Episode 19

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They were happy until...
a knock was heard at the door.
Tae went to the door and opened it.
"Hey H- ouch what the fuck?!"
Tae got punched.
"Oh fuck sorry.", Hobi said while checking on Tae.
"But I am really stressed out, some girls are stalking me all day and I was fleeing to get here but then when I saw you opining the door, I thought that it was another unknown person, so I wanted to punch the heck out of him.

"Bitch don't you fucking see I am a fucking male?"
"Yeah, actually I was panicking okay? I thought there was a stranger. Sorry Tae."
"Yeah whatever just get in.", Tae said.
They were all chilling in the living room, watching movies and eating all kinds of unhealthy food. Suddenly they felt sleepy so they decided to sleep in on the couch.
Tae was sleeping in a really weird sleeping pose, he literally was cuddling onto Jin like he is a teddy bear and softly snoring.
Jin never thought that his boyfriend would be this adorable.

He slowly caressed Tae's face and a smile formed on his face.
Usually Jin is the one who sleeps in first but now when he sees his boyfriend calm and sleepy it makes those butterflies go crazy in him.

Jin then decided to finally sleep in but couldn't, he was cuddling Tae but it was hard to breathe bc that giant bear, who is called Tae was hugging him so tight on his waist that it was hard to breathe and sleep in, he loved the way he could feel Tae's breathe on him, he loved the way Tae caged him with his legs, so that they are inter winded.

Jin was starting to kiss over Tae'a face, giving him little gentle kisses to not wake him up and calm himself down but right now he started to feel really not tired at all.

"What if I would ride him in his sleep? Would he notice?? What are you even thinking Jin?! No you can't just go to sleep!!!!", Jin thought in his mind.

One hour passed again, he can't sleep, he really can't, so he decided to clean the house, he tried to pull Tae's arms from him and legs. It didn't help so he took the pillows from the couch and cuddled them onto Tae.

"What a baby... my baby.", Jin said quietly, to not wake Tae and the others up.

He collected all the dirty stuff and papers, he noticed that the trash has to get out of the house so he went outside at 3:34 a.m to throw away the trash bags . He was in front of the big dirt trash container, he threw everything into it until someone held Jin's mouth and another person tied him.

Jin firstly didn't realize the two people standing behind him until they really made a move.
So there was jin trying to get out of their hold and scream for his life but too late.

He just let out a faint scream until he got knocked out.

That was enough for Tae to wake up, first he thought he was just dreaming until he couldn't feel Jin around his arms and felt lonely.

He quickly opened his eyes and looked around the room but he couldn't find Jin.

He stood up, a bit stumbling looking everywhere for Jin until he saw the door opened. He quickly ran out because he started to really worry because he heard that scream.

When he got out of the house he saw a black truck taking driving off with two masked people.

He started to panic and chased the car until it got faster and drove off.

Tae desperately ran back home took his phone and called the police and work everyone in the house up.

"WAKE UP!!!!! Jin GOT KIDNAPPED", Tae said slightly desperate.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK HE FUCKING GOT KIDNAPPED!!!" Tae said slowly really realizing he got really kidnapped. He threw himself to the door and called the police and security.

He couldn't hold the tears anymore and was crying. "Jungkook they took Jin..."

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