Episode 25

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"Jimin can we go now?", Jin asked exhausted. They still had to go to their house and pack their things. He was already exhausted from the whole stress.

„Yeah I am ready.", Jimin Said after he checked every corner of the house. They didn't really want to deal with another incident.

Jimin grabbed the keys and they went out. Obviously they first had to put on their masks.

They couldn't walk around without it. People would notice them. They  aren't superstars and world wide known idols but their boyfriends are.
So it would be easy for fans to see them.

„So we are going to walk?", Jimin asked while pouting.
„Yes dummy what did you think? That we take Taehyung's car without permission?"

They both looked into each other's eyes and smirked wickedly.

If you are wondering (this is the most expensive car from 2019)

If you are wondering (this is the most expensive car from 2019)

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Tae's car ^

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Tae's car ^

„Chim as much as i want to drive it, it's still not ours so let's just walk."
„But hyuuung, Tae will drive in Jungkooks car.. -Actually hyung lets just go, that car is hella expensive. Let's just walk."

They were walking and walking and walking, nearly a half of an hour.

They finally arrived at their house.
„Ah Sweet Home.", Jin said while entering the building. Sadly it had still a bit of damage after the incident with the crazy „fans", who attacked Jin and Jimin.

And because of that the've decided to move out.
„Bitch seriously open the goddamn window. Here is literally no oxygen to breathe.", Jimin said.

They already got their clothes a few months ago so what they now have to do is just pack their things and go home.
While packing
"Oh my god Jimin, I am literally collecting all my photos right now  of Tae but I find his face everywhere in the house again. Oh.. there he is again.", Jin said while collecting his mini photos which he sticked on ever little decoration in their house.

"Damn I didn't know that we had this much merch. I even have a dildo collection of the Jeon brothers, people said their dicks look this big, I mean they nailed Jungkooks.", Jimin said not caring about the disgusted looks Jin was throwing at him.

"Yeah, anyways.. I-"
"Oh Jin look I found condoms with Tae's face on them. I wanted to give them to you as a present for your birthday but then.."
"Yeah I know you put the ones for Jungkook in because you lost Taehyung's. But in the end you snatched them  and ran away."
"Yes, yes that happened. Ugh these were good times but now we don't need this crap anymore.", Jimin said with stars in his eyes.
"We don't need this anymore because we have them in person and their dic-", Jimin said, while suddenly getting cut off by Jin.
Jimin kept quiet.

So now they were standing in silence. Jimin looked to his dildo collection, he even had Tae's size (he bought it for Jin). Then he looked up to Jin and back to the dildo then back to jin and then back to the dildo. He was about to open his mouth but got cut off.
"Yes Jimin he is really that big a little bigger to be honest but yeah that could be his size."

"Woah he is huge then, even bigger than Jungkook. Damn how does he fit your little a-"
"Jimin can you like shut up now?", Jin said pissed but deep down he was blushing.

„grumpy bitch.", Jimin muttered to himself.
"Yo I heard that!", Jin yelled from the other side of the room.

After 4 hours of packing
They finally put everything into packets, so that Taehyung's an Jungkook's helpers could take it and bring it to their house.

"So that's it?", Jin asked not trying to be emotional.
"Yeah that's it, let's say goodbye to our house."
"Yeah let's do it."

Both of them started to say their goodbyes. But honey they were not saying just one goodbye they were saying that to every goddamn wall.

"Bye wall, you made me a hard time. I literally hurt my foot on you while I was fanboying over Tae.", Jin said while caressing the wall.

Jimin on the other side was sobbing on his wall.
"Because of you I had to lay 1 week in the hospital!!!" You May ask why, well Jimin was looking for his Jungkook underwear, he got frustrated and punched the wall which ended up him sobbing on the ground with a broken wrist and fingers.

"Okay are we done?.", Jimin asked Jin from the other side of the room

", Jimin asked Jin from the other side of the room

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"I-I think we are", Jin said crying.
"And tell Taehyung or Jungkook if there is a worker available to get their stuff.", Jin added

„My back is hurting like a bitch.", Jimin Said while texting Jungkook if there is someone available to get their stuff.
"Okay all done. Jungkook said there will be someone coming tomorrow. He said we could go out already and go back home.", Jimin said with a smile on his face.

"Why the hell are you smiling? This is supposed to be sad!", Jin argued.

"I KNOW!!! But Kookie said that we will have a great time when I arrive.", Jimin said
"Yeah okay I regret that I've asked.", Jin said while going to the door.
"Are you coming or what?", Jin asked turning to Jimin who is still day dreaming about his special night with Jungkook.

On their way back home:
"I'm kind of hungry, let's go to a restaurant!", Jin offers.

"Oh thank god i thought your lazy ass would never ask.", Jimin said, not knowing that there is or there are some people who are following them.

Hey I will not even try to make this shit cute (what I am about to write)
So well thank you so much really I appreciate all your reads I mean damn 10k tf is wrong with Ya'll why the fuck do you read this. Well but still thank you 😇. Aw I am so happy you guys don't even knoooo. Your comments make me so happy really even tho I never answer back bc I just found out how to reply back 🤡
WAIT ALL OF A SUDDED I WRITE LIKE THIS? Huh?!! Whatever thanks for reading bye❤️

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