Episode 16

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Jin, Jimin and Hobi were now sitting in the living room. In the meanwhile Tae and Jungkook were talking to their manager.

"Excuse me sir, do you have some more sugar anywhere? And do you know where meow meow is?", Hoseok asked with a bright smile.

"We have sugar in that shelve at the corner. But why?" , Taehyung asked, dumbfounded.

"I am hungry and I missed meow meows lips."

"Who the hell is Meow meow?", Jungkook asked.

"My future husband Suga, Min yoongi."

Both of Tae and Kooks mouth fell wide open.
"Where is he may I ask?" , Hobi asked unbothered by the two brothers who were still trying to handle the news.

"He should be at the studio-", Jungkook said but got interrupted by the doorbell.

Jungkook stood up and went to the door.
"Oh he is here.Hey Yoongi."


"What the fu-", Suga said while falling on his back.

After the shock Suga quickly opened his eyes and wanted to start yelling but then he saw the beauty.

love in the first sight?

His face softened and said: "Are you okay? I hope it didn't hurt. My name is Yoongi.", Suga said while taking Hobi's hand and kissing it.

Everyone else was cringing out at the scene in front of them, some of them wanted to puke, I mean where are we? In the 80s?

Hoseok got red across his cheeks. They both started chatting at the living room and not so long after they went to a separate room and no one knew what they were doing .

In the meanwhile their Manager was having a mental break down. This was seriously too much stress in one day. But later on he decided to let the brothers be and let them have a relationship but under one condition. They had to keep it as a secret.

After that the manager left after letting a little unnoticeable fart out. And Suga J-hope, Jin, Tae, Jimin an Jungkook were alone with a disgusting scent.

Loud laughter got heard from the other room. Jikook and Taejin decided to enter the room. They saw how Hobi and Suga were sharing the sugar and talking about random stuff, which normal people would never even think of.

„You guys, did you know that Hobi eats sugar to imagine the taste of my lips? THATS FUCKING AWESOME!!", Suga laughed.

Even though Jungkook was clearly disgusted, he was still happy that he could see Suga smile again after a long time.
He was so stressed all the time but now he is so active and alive. Maybe that Sugar on the lips guy, called Hobi is not that bad after all.

"We were thinking about going to a club, do you guys want to come too?", Suga asked, which was really rushed for a friendship that just started half a hour ago.

"No we can't! Remember our manager said we have to keep our relationship hidden." , Jungkook said.

"Well sucks to be you guys because I don't have a manager. Bye bitches we are going out. Come on Hobi.", Yoongi said.

"Hold up!!! We are coming but let's take a VIP club so no one can mind our business." , Tae said.

"Alright let's go. But let's get changed first."

All of them walked to their room (Taejin to Tae's room, Jikook to Kook's room and Suga and J-hope to Suga's room)

"What can I wear Tae?", Jin asked, while watching his boyfriend change into some expensive Gucci clothes.

"I forgot all my things at home..."
"Don't worry love I will get you some stuff out of my closet. You will look hot as fuck in my Gucci clothes."
"What if I ruin them?", Jin asked still a little uncomfortable by thinking about making Tae's clothes dirty.

"I don't care. Here wear these.", Tae said while handing Jin his clothes.

Jin was straight walking to the bathroom after he reviewed the clothing.

"Hey were do you think you are going?"
"To the bathroom? Duh.", Jin said.
"Why? Change here!!! Pleeeeaaassseeee", Tae pouts and makes his voice baby like.
"No no don't use that pout on me, it will be a surprise so get out of my way Jeon Taehyung!"

"Ugh, Seokjinnie so mean.", Tae said with a pout and crossed arms.

"Whatever you say five year old Taehyungie." , Jin said while locking himself in the bathroom and starting to get ready.

*30 minutes passed*
"Jinnie come on everyone is waiting. Actually not everyone because Jimin isn't ready either but come on babyyyyyyy. I want to see you."

"Just wait Taehyung!", Jin said.

*another 20 minutes passed*
"Yah Kim Seokjin, grey hair is starting to grow on my head because you take soooooo-", Tae said as if he was dreaming.
"You look breathtaking~" Tae said while eying jin from head to toe Jin.
"We can go now.", Jin said with a smile. He looked so good, his body in those clothes was so good looking, his cute, tiny waist, his legs in those tight black jeans.
Tae bit his lips. Before Jin could move away he grabbed Jin's hand and tossed him to the wall.

"Kim Seokjin, you look so fucking... you look so fucking good."
"I know thank you, now let's go the others are waiting."
Tae was about to kiss Jin's red lips but then he noticed that Jin was gone and he was kissing the wall.
He quickly opened his eyes and ran downstairs to the others.

"Wait till we get home again Jin.", Tae whispered to Jin.

Jin started to slightly blush. But brushed it off and started to walk to the car.

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