Episode 10

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*at the Jeon Company*
„Where the hell were you guys yesterday evening and night?!" ,the manager of Taehyung and Jk said angry.
„We were at a friends house.", Jungkook said.
„I don't believe you! Paparazzi took photos of the apartment! First of all, those two guys are not your friends they are your fans!!!"
„How did you know?", Taehyung asked.
„When you two had your little fun with your two precious boyfriends, paparazzies took 100 of photos and even found out that they are crazy fanboys!"

"Don't call them crazy!", Taehyung said while gritting his teeth, because he starts to get really annoyed.

„Don't u dare raise your voice Taehyung!", their manager said, which made Tae just more annoyed and was in front of punching him but Jungkook held him.

„What's gotten into you?!", Jungkook asked his brother.

„No one talks about the person I like like this." ,Taehyung hissed.
„Calm down!", Jungkook fought back.

„Look tae, I don't have a Problem with you having a boyfriend, but I don't want you to have a fanboy as a boyfriend and especially not I but all the other fans and the whole Korea doesn't want you to have a male as your partner!"

„Why would you know?", Taehyung asked.

„Bc Social Media is blowing up, your Boyfriends are currently getting a lot of hate."

„Wait what?!", Jungkook said surprised.

„You guys are making yourself and those boys look bad. If you like them, then just stop being with them and explain everything to the media what happened, but you obviously have to lie, just tell them you guys are friends."

Suddenly their managers phone blew up. Someone was calling him.
„Yeah hello? Mhm... yes... WAIT WHAT!!!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE TRYING TO BREAK IN?! HOW?! I'll CALL YOU BACK!!!", their Manager Hung up.

„Your two boyfriends are getting attacked at their own house.", Their Manager said.

„WHAT?!", the Brothers Said in the same time.

Jungkook ran out and took his phone out and dialed Jimin's number.

„Jimin Are you okay? I everything alright? Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you hurt?", Jungkook asked worried.

„Jungkook... I am okay but I am scared, why are there so many people outside and why are they keep banging our door? I am so scared..", Jimin said trembling.

„Jimin I will tell you later, but please keep yourself safe. Close all the windows and take Jin and lock yourself into a room and wait till I come there! Okay?"

„Okay... but Jungkook?"
„Yeah Jim?"
„Please be careful..."
„I will.", Jungkook said slightly smiling. After that he hung up and texted Tae.

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After that he went offline and waited for Taehyung to arrive

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After that he went offline and waited for Taehyung to arrive.
Not long after Taehyung arrived with dark clothes and a hat with a mask.

„Why did you take these with you?", Jungkook asked curious.

„Well duh? Bc no one should recognize us?"

„Ah right... well let's go."

Taehyung and Jungkook drove off to Jin and Jimin's apartment

At Jinmins apartment => outside
In the car
„Waaahhh... it's so crowded and loud. So many paparazzis are here...", Taehyung exclaimed.

Jungkook gulped. Even when he is safe now in his car, he still worries about Jimin.

He called Jimin.
„Hey Chim, where are you? Is everything alright?"
„Yes everything is alright. I am just too scared but I don't care as long as I hear your voice it makes me calm down...", Jimin confessed while getting red.

Taehyung snatched my phone out of my hand.
„Uhm Jimin? How is Jin? Is he alright? I hope he isn't too scared...", Taehyung asked worried.

But suddenly a scream got heard.
It was Jin's.


„HOLD ON JIMIN!!!", Jungkook Said while putting his black clothes on that Taehyung got from the company.
Tae did it too and in no matter of time both of them got out of their car and ran to the house.

They wanted to get in from a window but got spotted by a fan.
„Yo guys isn't that Jungkook? OH AND THERE IS TAEHYUNG!!!"

The Jeon Brothers and their crazy fanboys| Taejin/JikookWhere stories live. Discover now