Episode 13

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Tae kissed Jin.
First Jin couldn't really kiss back he was like a stone with his eyes wide because he really didn't expect it.

Tae started to realize that Jin wasn't kissing him back and quickly pulled back.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry...",Tae said, "I shouldn't have done that...", he hung his head low and wanted to run out of the room until he felt plump lips kissing his own lips. So roughly and so dominant.

This time Tae was sitting there with wide spread, shocked eyes. But when he saw Jin closing his eyes and kissing his lips, he gave in and started to kiss roughly too.

He loved the rough side of Jin like right now but it was his turn to show who the daddy is.

He layed Jin under him and started to kiss him rawer. He bit on Jin's pulp lower lip until he heard a moan from Jin's lips, which made Jin's mouth open. Tae obviously took this chance and slid his tongue into Jin's mouth.

Jin was starting to whine and moan, which made Tae go to heaven and especially really hard. He loved the sound of Jin's moaning. He could die for it.

Tae started to kiss Jin's neck, which made Jin moan louder. Jin tried to cover his mouth, because he was embarrassed of his own moans.
Tae quickly took Jin's hands and pushed them over the top of Jin's head and started to kiss and bite marks on Jin's neck.

Jin was a moaning mess. Everywhere on his neck were hickeys.

Tae looked up to Jin's face and realized the beautiful mess he made out of Jin.

And that's when he realized that his member started to grow again.

Jin gasped when he felt something hard poking on his thigh.
It's not like that Jin wasn't hard too.

"T-Tae?", Jin asked while panting hard.

"Yes baby?", Tae said with a smirk.

"Uhm... you are... like... uh... kind of.. your... member is... uh...h-ha-rd.", Jin said with full embarrassment and started to cover his face.

"Oh don't be embarrassed, it just makes you cuter and your daddy goes crazy for that.", Tae said with a smirk.

They were still making out but then Taehyung interrupted their session.

"Listen Jin if you don't want any of these just stop me I'll understand.", Tae said with a more serious tone.

"Just-.. continue please.", Jin said.

Tae smirked and started to pull Jin's (actually Tae's) Shirt up and started to kiss every detail of Jin. His hips, waist, neck, jawline, just everything , he started to suck on some certain bodyparts which made Jin go crazy with his moaning.

Lmao, it were Jin's nipples.

"Is this your sweet spot bebe?", Tae asked and started to nip harder and bite and lick on them.

Jin was currently on cloud 1010101001100191 because of the pleasure Tae was giving him.

Tae started to undress his pants and t-shirt. Jin helped him a little by pulling his sweatpants off too.

Again Tae was kissing Jin's lips until Tae stood up with just his boxers on and went to his night stand and took out some lube.

Jin just looked a little at Tae but he could see the big tent in Taehyung's boxers.

Jin's face was redder than before.

Tae came back and hovered over Jin and took his boxers off.

Jin gasped, gulped, stood there in shook, wanted to slap himself.

„Whoah wait Tae that thing is too big!"
Tae just laughed : „You'll get used to it, don't worry.", Tae said while kissing Jin's lips to calm him.

But Jin was now really excited and scared, he has never done this before. „Uh.. Tae.. I am still a virgin..." , Jin said embarrassed.

But this was the best thing he could hear of his lovers lips, Tae thought to himself.
Tae wanted to scream of happiness, he literally was so happy to be Jin's first ever.
„Then I am happy to be your first."

Tae pulled Jin's boxers, which made Jin gasp. Then he hovered over him.

(I am not going to talk about how they make love to each other)
After their love making session:

Tae was looking at Jin who was still really exhausted. Tae stood up to get some wet tissues, so he could clean the two of them.
Jin was kind of drifting off after they made love to each other. His body was sweaty his lips and any other body part was sore and had love bites.
He felt sticky from all the cum he had over his body, so Tae offered him to go take a shower so in the meantime he could change the bed sheets.

While Jin was taking a shower Tae came in after he changed the sheets and took a shower too, Jin couldn't even move properly anymore so Tae helped him out of the shower and dried him up, while Jin was drifting off to sleep.

He carried Jin to his bed put him some of his own boxers on and a large t-shirt and Tae just wore boxers and hopped next to Jin.

"Jin? Are you sleeping?", Tae said while kissing Jin's head, while Jin was in his arms.
"Mhm..", Jin said really sleepy.
"Then goodnight my love, I love you.", Tae said kissing Jin's lips.
"Good Night Tae, i love you too"

I didn't write this! 🙌🏼
Like it was not me!!
I would never.

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