Episode 11

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Jungkook and Taehyung gulped hard. Without even turning around they ran to the back door, which Jin opened.

Immediately after rushing in, Tae hugged Jin tightly.

Jin was confused at first, but soon after he hugged back and he kind of started to feel more safe in Taehyung's warm and big arms.

In the meantime Jungkook wasted no time and looked for Jimin, who was running down the stairs to get to the rest of them.

„Koooookkieeee!!!", Jimin Said relieved and jumped on top of Jk, which made him tremble.

Meanwhile Tae was still hugging Jin, but not long after he searched for wounds. „Are you alright? Did something bad happen?"

„Everything is alright... I guess.. no one got hurt, it's just...", Jin was silent for a second. „It's just that.. I am really scared that they will do something...", Jin said with a worried face.

„Don't worry Jin, my bodyguards are on their way, we will all get safe, so don't worry hm?", Tae said while cupping Jin's face between his big large hands.

A slight smile formed itself on Jin's lips. They kept staring at each other in the eyes.

Tae was so focused on Jin's eyes and lips that he didn't realize that he was just two centimeters apart from Jin's face. He literally could feel Jin's breath.

He wanted to kiss those red plumb big lips.

Suddenly he got interrupted by the loud banging on the door.

Jin flinched and backed away, Tae's head liften up really fast and looked at the door, he quickly tried to push Jin behind his back.

Tae got a call, it was his security saying that they are here and are just trying to push their fans out of the way.

Before cancelling their call Tae ordered, that the fans shouldn't get hurt, since Tae still loved and cared about them.

Fans got pulled away from the entrance, without getting hurt of course, since those people are Tae and jungkooks fans.

Even though it's not acceptable of their fans, for doing such things, they still care about them a lot.

After 5 minutes Tae got a call again saying that they could get out now.

Tae and Jungkook quickly wore a black hat and went out.

Jungkook took Jimin by his hand and inter winded their fingers. He wouldn't care less what people said. He could see the fear Jimin had at the moment. The way Jimin trembled.

Taehyung checked the last time on Jin and said „Just go to the car as fast as you can and you'll be safe, I'll be next to you, so don't worry."

"Thank you Tae..", Jin said, while a light tint of red was visible on Jin's cheeks. He didn't know why he was blushing, he was assuming because of the protection Taehyung gave him and the feeling of being safe.

First Jimin and Jungkook got out of the building with their interwinded fingers. Not so long after Tae and Jin came out. On the way to their car, people tried to grab Jin, so Tae grabbed Jin by his waist.

Paparazzi was everywhere. Everywhere lights.
Everywhere the sounds of photographing.

Jin was starting to get really really scared, if he wouldn't get into the car in the next few second he would either pass out or become a panick attack.

Finally they arrived at the car and Tae was watching Jin all the time, Jin sat next to him, he even tried to comfort him, by laying his arm on Jin's shoulders so that Jin can lean his head on Tae's shoulder.

5 minutes later he heard light snores.
Jin was sleeping. Tae used it to fully look at Jin.

Even though Taehyung was the most handsome male on earth, he still thought that Jin is even more breathtaking than himself. He was amazed by those visuals.

Jin looked so pretty, Tae couldn't put it in words how beautiful Jin was up close. From far away he is like so glamorous but when you come closer to him and just look at him, you could die right on spot.

Jin is really really handsome.

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