Epidode 21

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„So you are telling me that the bitches from the club took Jin?", Jungkook asked dumbfounded.

„Yes Jungkook how often do you want me to answer ..that fucking question!!!! They were ...fucking killing him ..I don't even know if he is still... alive!!!!!", Taehyung said in between his sobs.

Jimin was staring at a wall, not even giving emotions, when he heard the information about Jin being kidnapped he collapsed like every time he gets too excited and a bad feeling. (Flashback: the fan meeting)

Chim's current state:

Hobi was eating his sugar, he was depressed

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Hobi was eating his sugar, he was depressed.
Jungkook was worried.
Tae was dying in his inners.

Suga was sleeping.

But before Yoongi went to sleep he quickly sent the video to the police, which the police would analyze.

They were trying to figure out the location from where it was sent and after that they would find Jin.

Taehyung was standing in the middle of the living room, not knowing what to do than looking at his phone for any sight of the police messaging him about Jin's location.

Taehyung was seriously stressed, he was so worried, never in a million years he would think that someone would kidnap his Jin. But often those things you wouldn't count on happen and then you are heartbroken :(.

Back to Jin and the two girls
Jin was trying to sleep because he got tired of all the bickering and screaming and fighting of the girls.

Head hung low, feet and hands tied up on the chair, he tried to rest.

He was so scared, he was praying for the police or anyone to find him and get him out of this psycho house.

Jin was now yet again sitting in the dark place, he couldn't see anything, didn't hear anything and he couldn't scream for help because it was useless.

Suddenly those girls came in. Jin saw a little light coming from the door. His eyes immediately closed because of the lights which his eyes couldn't get used to.

"Well, well Jin, are you already tired of being here? Honey you should get used to it, escaping is not easy. Now come on get up."

Jin states at Holly like "Are you fucking kidding me, can't you see them I am tied up?!"

"Oh heehehehehe I forgot.", Holly quickly went next to Jin and released Jin from the chair but still tied his hands up.

Then she took his arm and dragged him with them.

They went out of the cold dark place and now Jin was greeted with a luxurious place, i mean it wasn't the prettiest but it looked pretty rich.

They say on the sofa, Jin in the middle and started to watch creepy shit

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They say on the sofa, Jin in the middle and started to watch creepy shit.
Jin was forced to watch two horses eating poop. He was cringed out and didn't want to look but those girls kept looking at him so he started to look even tho he wanted to gag.

After the slight cringing clip which lasted for 1 hour. I mean the clip was on repeat and the two horses got shown how they eat poop.
They decided to go to the kitchen and eat.

Jin really was not in the mood, he wanted to throw up and spit in their faces but he remained calm.

Now he sat at the kitchen island and tried to avoid them as much as he can.

"Yo bitch don't you want to eat?", Patricia asked.

Jin just shook his head. He wasn't in the mood for talking.

"Obviously you don't want to eat because the only thing you are thinking about is Tae's dick, you surely always eat his-"

"Enough! Shut the fuck up. You guys are fucking idiotic and dumb.", Jin said with anger showing on his face. He wanted to slap them so hard but still he was patient. He had this feeling that he will get rescued.

"Slut.", Patricia said to Jin.

"What did you just call me?!" Jin said standing up, wanting to smack her across the face but realizes that his hands are tied up.

"Aw poor baby, you can't slap meee right? Bc you little paws are tied up.", Holly said making a cute annoying voice.

Jin really wanted to cry, he is going to get crazy living with them.

Suddenly Patricia stood up and slapped Jin across the face.

Jin's cheeks were burning and his eyes were now flustering with tears but he blinked them away fast until he felt something hot streaming down from his nose.

Jin nose was bleeding and the girls were just laughing. They threw him again into the cold dark room and let him cry his heart out.

"T-Tae please help me...", Jin said in between his sobs.

Back to The Jeon house

They were all now sitting in the living room, still worried.

Suddenly a call came, which they all have been waiting for.

They were all tensed, they were scared that this will be a a bad call with no positive ending. So Taehyung too a deep breath, accepted the call and just listened.

The phone call:
Tae: H-hello (Tae Said with a sore throat from all the crying)
Police: Mister Jeon we for some good news for you, we've found the location of your boyfriend Kim Seokjin and we'll be now making our way there.
Tae: what?! WHERE?! Excuse me sir could you send em the location?
Police: Of course but I want you to not barge in to that house, it might be dangerous, we are talking about kidnappers and criminals so please take care. I will see you at the location.
Tae: Thank you so much!

Phone call ended
Tae had a happy smile now, he was still worried but now that they found his location. He was praying to god that Jin didn't get killed.
He quickly told his friends about the police finding Jin's location, so they quickly grabbed everything they needed and ran to the car.

The Jeon Brothers and their crazy fanboys| Taejin/JikookWhere stories live. Discover now