Episode 27

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Jimin and Jin were now on their way to a restaurant. After all the packing they got hungry, so they decided to eat.

On their way they have been laughing a lot, they were really loud and easy to notice. Even tho they had masks on, so no one could identify them.

But it wasn't really hard for them to not get all eyes on them. Jin's windshield-wiper laugh was the only thing people could hear in the city because it was too loud. On the other side Jimin was laughing too but that wasn't the eye-catching thing, it was more the way he threw himself to the ground.

Finally after the long walk, they arrived at their restaurant, which they usually always went to.

More and More people noticed that Jin and Jimin were currently at the restaurant. Some people took their phones out and started to record them while eating.

Jin and Jimin didn't notice something at first but after a while Jin felt some stares and he wasn't really feeling well. Especially now people could see his whole face because the mask was off.

"Jimin, I don't feel comfortable. I don't know why.", Jin said leaning a bit in so no one could hear what he is whispering.
And indeed people were now starting to look closer to what Jin was going to say.

That was the last straw Jin understood that people are watching them and are recording them.
He quickly told Jimin,
"Jimin we are exposed, everyone is filming us!!!", Jin said whisper yelling, he was starting to sweat and it started to stress him.

"Jimin don't freak out.", Jin said trying to calm Jimin, who was now eating his food as fast as he can so they can leave faster.

After 5 minutes they were still eating. Even Though Jimin and Jin felt uncomfortable of all the people, they tried to blend it all out and wanted to just relax at that moment.

Until lots of crazy fans were in front  of the restaurant.

That was it, Jin called a waiter and wanted to pay.
Of course the waitress knew Jin and Jimin, so she asked for an autograph, which weirded Jin and Jimin out but they gave in and signed the paper.

They quickly put on their jackets and masks and the waitress approached them again saying, "there is an emergency exit, you can use it, maybe you can then get away from here and those fans.

They quickly said goodbye and literally ran to that exit.

They escaped that restaurant and laughed on their way out. They thought that it was that easy to get away from the fans of the Jeon Brothers.

They were now crossing the block and went to the Main Street.

They were thinking about getting a snack until they heard some screams: "THERE!!! THE BOYFRIENDS OF TH JEONS!!! RUUUNNNN LADIESSS!!!"

Jin and Jimin quickly turned their head to them and saw them running to them with the fastest speed they could ever approach.

Jin was shocked but then Jimin snapped out of the shock and dragged Jin with him and they ran.
They ran as fast as they can. Away from those crazy fans.

The fans got closer and closer, they were currently running the street down.

 Together hand in hand they were running and peeing themselves of being too scared

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Together hand in hand they were running and peeing themselves of being too scared. The fans of the Jeon brothers aren't really the nicest.

In the meantime:
Taehyung finished his meeting and was in his car and wanted to head home. He couldn't wait anymore to finally get to Jin. All day he has been thinking about him.

He hopes that Jin had a relaxing day and enjoyed it.

Jin really made him a hard on earlier the day so he decided to punish him after he arrived at home.

So now he was smiling to himself, leaning his head down onto the car seat and looked outside.

Seoul was something else at night. All those beautiful lights and those pretty shops. He was taking in the beautiful sight until he heard two screams and and a big amount of people. Those have to be his fans. After all they had lots of merch on them.

Smiling to himself he leaned back again. He loved his fans a lot until he saw while leaning back 2 figures running away from them screaming. They looked oddly similar, so Tae opened his window and heard their screams.

"OH MY GOD JIN!", Tae said shocked.
"STOP THE CAR, STOP THE CAR!!!", Tae said to the driver. Tae got off the car.

Jin and Jimin who were running to his direction saw them and Jin started running faster screaming. "TAEEE!!! TAE THEY ARE FUCKING FOLLOWING US FOR THE LAST FEW TEN MINUTES I AM GOING TO COLLAPSE!!!", Jin screamed but on the other side Jimin already collapsed. (He collapses really fast as w all know.)

"Get in the car Jinnie, I will get Jimin.", Tae said, kissing Jin's forehead and he quickly hurried to his brothers boyfriend and picked him up. Jimin was now on his back.

He quickly went back to the door and put (threw) Jimin to the seat. "Bro you are heavy."

"Shut the fuck up Tae look at your own damn ass.", Jimin argued back and they all started to laugh.

"Now care to explain what the fuck happened?", Tae asked curious.

"So yeah we went to our old house to get our stuff then we packed everything and left our house. Then Jimin and I got hungry and decided to eat at a restaurant. We didn't notice that we have been followed and while we were eating more on more people started record us and yeah. After that we quickly got out of the restaurant but then people found us again and we ran. And we are literally running for 20 minutes. I am exhausted.", Jin said.

"Oh my poor little baby.", Tae said whole cupping Jin's face and kissing his pout away. This man (Taehyung) could melt away just because of Jin's pout.

And then Jimin threw up.

"Ew Jimin what the fuck?", Jin said disgusted.
"Bitch remember you told me I had to eat fast so we could get out of that restaurant, well I did then we ran, and you know, you shouldn't eat before you do any kinds of sports and now you guys are so lovey dovey and I want to puke so i did.", Jimin said while still holding the bag of puke.

"Whatever...", Tae said creeped out.
"Jin~", Tae said while hiding his head in the crook of Jin's neck. "What is it baby?", Jin asked while playing with Tae's fingers. "You made me a really hard time earlier."
"And why is that?", Jin asked wondering about what Tae was trying to tell.
"You made little Taetae go up because you were playing with my feelings, so stop making me horny~.", Tae whispered while planting soft kisses on the others neck.
"Tae! We are in front of Jimin. Stop that.", Jin hissed quietly.

Jimin was already eyeing them.
"Okay fine but in the night you are all mine.", Tae said while lastly kissing Jin on the lips and inter winding their fingers so he could continue looking out of the window.

Jin got flustered and was already smiling of the thoughts. He really was excited.
Then his eyes met Jimin's and Jimin already mouthed something to him.
"disgusting bitch.", Jimin said while making puking gestures.

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