Episode 14

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In the next morning Tae woke up next to Jin. He looked at him. Jin was still sleeping in Taes arms. Tae looked at his clock which was pointing at 3 p.m..
but after their making love session it was normal for them to sleep till now.

The sun was peeking in from the window on Jin's face. He was glowing. Tae leaned in and kissed Jin on the lips until Jin woke up and kissed him back.
"Good Morning", Jin said with a smile.
"Good Morning Cutie.", Tae said while kissing Jin's forehead.
Jin hugged Tae back and rested his head on Tae's trained chest.
"Baby?", Tae asked.
"Yes Tae?"
"I love you."
"I love you too Taetae."

20 minutes passed like this, the both of them just laying in bed playing with each other's fingers and telling each other how much they love each other.

Then Jin tried to finally stand up but hissed in pain.
"What's wrong Honey?"
"Ugh my ass hurts."
Tae started to laugh but quickly went to Jin and took him bridal style.
He was walking to the door but then Jin stopped him.
"Wowoowow Mister you are going to put some clothes on, I don't want that maid of yours to see you like this."
"Jin are you jealous of my maid?", Tae asked in a flirty tone.
"N-no!", Jin stuttered
Tae just laughed and went back to bed and let Jin sit there so he could wear some sweatpants and a pullover. He even bought Jin some sweatpants but he couldn't find Jin. Jin was currently in front of a mirror and looking at those dark red hickeys on his tighs and neck and his still swollen lips.
He kind of liked the way he looked like and started to smile like a creep.

Suddenly someone started to kiss his neck from the behind of him and also back hugging him.

"You look so pretty Jin.", Tae said while admiring Jin in the mirror.
"I bought you some sweatpants, wear these."
"Will do.", Jin said, while trying to put on those sweatpants. Tae was admiring Jin's ass which was leaning closer to Tae.
"DONT SO ANYTHING DIRTY TAEHYUNG!!", Tae told himself but ended up lightly slapping Jin's ass and squeezing it.
"You pervert!" Jin said jokingly, which made Tae act angry and carry Jin over his shoulder and slapped Jin's ass again.
They went to the kitchen and  laughed but then Jungkook and Jimin looked at them with a playful smirk.
"What did you two did last night?" , Jungkook asked while eying Tae.

"N-nothing", Tae said.
Then Jimin stepped closer and looked at Jin's neck and still swollen lips.
"What are those on your neck hm?"
"I-", Jin tried to say but turns out he couldn't say anything.

"We are happy for you but please keep your volumes down, we couldn't sleep." , Jungkook said
Tae and Jin were now red like a tomato.
But then Jin saw something on JIMINS neck.
"Wha-?",Jimin said. "NO THERE ARE NO HICKEYS!!

Jungkook tried to cover up those hickeys.

"YOU HAD WHAT?!", a unknown voice said.

Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook quickly turned.

It was Jungkooks and Taes Manager.

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