Episode 7

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-at Jinmins apartment-
"WAIT WHAT?!" Jimin stood up and tried to run to Jin but slipped and fell. "OUCH!!!"

Meanwhile the brothers could hear everything and had to laugh.
But Jungkook was still a little worried about Jimin, because the fall didn't sound really great in his ears.


"I DONT KNOW!!" , Jin said in rush, trying to clean everything in the house.

The brothers waited outside and heard just screaming and lot of other noises.

"I wonder what they are doing." Taehyung said a little curious.

"Fuck fuck fuck!! Jimin!! JIMIN!!! Spray your most expensive perfume and stuff and what so ever okey, SO THEY DONT SMELL OUR SHITTY HOUSE!"

Jimin runs as fast as he can up the stairs and brings his most expensive perfume.

-5 min later-

Everything was tidied up.
Jin and Jimin still in their sweatpants, but they couldn't care less, they felt a little bit bad, that they had to let the brothers wait in the cold.

"Hello." Jimin said to the boys, while dying deep inside.

"Sorry for letting you wait so long.", Jin said guilty but at the same time getting close to a heart attack.

He saw how red Taehyungs nose was and his cheeks. Jin felt really bad but just by looking at Tae he could get hard, but it wasn't the time for thinking dirty.

"Do you guys maybe want to come inside, you guys look like you are really cold.", Jimin said, still dying and hating himself for inviting them in, but it would be the least they could do for them.

"Y-yeah that would be n-nice", Jungkook said, while trembling.

The Jeon brothers came into the apartment. Jin and Jimin took their jackets. Taehyung and Jungkook took of their shoes and followed Jimin and Jin to the living room.

When Jin was walking past a mirror, he noticed that his face mask is still on his face. He screamed and threw the mask away.

Taehyung quickly turned his head to Jin, who is now behind them.

"What's wrong?" Tae asked "Are u alright?"

"Y-yes I'm good. I just didn't realize I still got a mask on." Jin said while getting embarrassed.

"Oh no don't worry, you looked adorable." Tae said with a wide grin.

Jin smiled a little back but in the inside he is screaming and dying from embarrassment

When they arrived at the living room Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the sofa. "We're you guys watching a movie?", Jungkook asked looking at all the candy and the tv, which was still on.

Jimin and Jin noticed that they forgot to clean this part of the apartment.

"Oh, yes we were haha." Jimin said with his coolest tone he had but people easily would notice that he is just trying. "T-take a seat."
"Thank you" Jungkook smiled at Jimin.

Jin was prying that Jimin won't faint again.
Thank god it didn't happen.

"I am going to make us some hot chocolate, so you guys can get warm and go home after that."
"Thank you, do you need help?", Taehyung asked friendly.
"No thanks, I got this."

Jin went to the kitchen and made some hot chocolates ready.

Suddenly Taehyung came and said with his deep voice "hey", which shocked Jin because he didn't realize that Taehyung was there.
Jin jumped a slight mit and burnt his finger on the warm glass, in which the hot milk was in.
"Omg are you okay? Let me look. Put it under water fast."
Jin looked at how worried Taehyung was.
Taehyung worried and felt guilty.

"Are you okay? If not we can go to the hospital, I am sorry, I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I am so dumb.. I am so sorry.", Taehyung said, without making a break to breathe again.
"I am fine Taehyung, no need to worry."
"Are you sure? If there is something we can go to the hos-"
"Taehyung really. I am fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore. I swear."
"Okay then, but still I am really sorry."
"It's alright", Jin laughed and he could feel that butterflies are in his stomach.

Meanwhile Jungkook and Jimin were talking about some things.
"I love your decoration."
"Thanks. *silence* WAIT WHAT?!?*
Jimin looks around and sees all the posters of the Jeon Brothers which he and Jin hung up.

"HAHAHA OH NOO... THESE ARE NOT MY POSTERS. These belong to my cousin heheh" Jimin lies to bring up an excuse .
"Oh really?" ,Jungkook said with a smirk.
"Yes really."
"I don't believe you."
"No buts, the other day you even said that you are my biggest fan. I really appreciate it."

"... well okay then. But like I am not in love with you ore something ha ha ha like wtf how could I?" Jimin said awkwardly.

"I mean yesterday you said: I love you Jungkook! Did you forget?" Jk teased.

"Listen Jungkook, I Said that because... *silence*
I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID THAT BUT ugh whatever.."

"Just admit it."
"That you like me"
"I didn't say that"
"Oh really?"
"S-shut up...", Jimin startet to get embarrassed and shy.
"Okay you got me, I like you, but I know we can never be together and I will die with Jin in this apartment between all of your posters and albums and stuff that you bring out. But at least I will see you everyday on my wall, bathroom. Bedroom. Kitchen and more." Jimin said.

Jungkook looked a bit shocked. "Excuse me, where do you have all my photos and posters? Could you repeat that?"

"Ah never mind, forget everything."

"Okay... but Jimin."
"Yeah? "
"You are a nice and cute person and also really handsome. I like you but I can't say that I love you. I mean I don't know you that well. But we can hang out some more and get to know e/o. Do you want my number?" , Jungkook knew he was rushing things but he couldn't resist Jimin anymore.

"Wait what? The Jeon Jungkook offers me to give me his number?", Jimin said while smirking.

"Yeah, or do you not want it?", a tint of red was visible on Jungkooks cheeks and he started to look sad.

"I-I do!"
Jungkook smiled again and took his phone out like Jimin did. He tapped his number an Jimin's phone and wrote to the caller ID Kookie.
"Thank you." ,Jimin smiles.
"For now lets be friends"
But little did Jungkook know, that Jimin wrote "My future husband" at the caller ID

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