Episode 8

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Taehyung and Jin finished the hot chocolates and went to the living room, where Jungkook and Jimin are exchanging phone numbers.

Taehyung noticed how close Jk with Jimin got. He wanted to do the same with Jin but he was a little too shy.

"Uhm you guys seem to like each other", Taehyung said while looking at Jungkook with a smirk.

Jin noticed the smirk and his legs got really really weak, he was in front of collapsing until Jimin noticed it and voiced an "Jin are you okay?" out.

"Y-yeah I am fine. Tae is just too sexy-." Jin blurted out.

Taes face turned to Jin, who is currently a tomato bc of the amount of embarrassment he is feeling.

"I didn't mean that.", Jin said in an almost whispery voice.

"No it's fine, I know that I am breathtaking.",Tae praised himself and gave Jimin and Jungkook their hot chocolates.

Meanwhile Jin still staying there with his mount wide open in shock.
"Who does he think he is? Ugh!!! Taehyung why are you so fucking hot!?" , Jin thought to himself

"Are you not coming Jin?", Taehyung said a little bit teasingly but not really noticeable.

Jin sat himself in between Jimin and Tae.

Jimin was looking at Jin with the most questionable looks on the earth.

"What the fuck was that?", Jimin mumbled unnoticeable in Jin's ear.

"I don't know, it just came out! Now stfu they will notice!", Jin said with a mad expression.

"Soooo what movie are we watching?", Jungkook asked with his bunny smile.

Jimin was there sitting in shock. Wanting to tell him how much he loves him but then Jimin thought about what Jk would do if he would find out that Jimin is into him.
Jimin would die.

"What movies do you guys have?", Taehyung asked.
"We have some horror movies, if you guys want to watch them" , Jin said.
"Yeah sure."
Jimin chose a movie and clicked on it. But then the realization hit him, that Jin and him are so scaredy-cats and will scream all the time.

Jimin gulped hard and whispered in Jin's ear:"What if we make ourselves clowns in front of them?! WE ARE TOO SCARED TO WATCH THESE KINDS OF MOVIES!"


"I DONT KNOOOOOWW!!", Jimin made his whisper to sound like a cry.

"Are you guys ready?", Taehyung asked the two boys who were fighting a second ago.
"Y-yeah s-sure.", Jin said while faking a smile.

Taehyung pressed the startbutton and made himself comfortable next to Jin under the blanket.
"How comfortable" he thought to himself.

The movie started and not long after Jin and Jimin's little screams where heard.

They always jerk when they see the creature coming closer to the victims.

Taehyung noticed it and got up. He put one arm around Jin and pulled him closer.

Jin was really shocked and his heart started to beat really fast. But right now he felt really safe in Taehyung's arms.

Everytime the scariest parts came, Jin hugged Tae tighter.
Tae noticed it and let Jin be, he even pulled Jin closer to him.

Even though the worst part of the movie came, Jin felt safe and comfortable. He really liked the warmth Taehyung gave him and not soon after he fell asleep without any worries.

They were lying on the couch. Jin was half on top of Tae.
Tae really liked the view he was getting. Jin's head was on Tae's chest and one leg over Taes legs.

Tae started to caress Jin's hair. He leaned in and smelled his hair, it smelled so delicious like strawberry's and cake. It was incredible sweet. He loved it.

On the other side of the couch Jimin still was having heart attacks but Jungkook took care of it, he put an arm around Jimin.

Jimin put his head on jungkooks shoulders and everytime something scary happened, Jimin turned and hid his face in the crotch of Jungkooks neck.

Tae was a bit worried. He could see that Jungkook was starting to fall for Jimin. He would never do these kinds of things, not even when his Ex- girlfriends were staying at his and Taehyung's house.

Tae liked the idea of dating Jin and letting Jungkook date Jimin but it would never work. He has a lot to do and is a busy man as Jungkook. Tae knows that he would hurt Jin because of his busy schedule.

Jin would be waiting for him but Tae would never have time. He doesn't want that Jin suffers. And all this secret relationship things are too much and if people would find out they would be caught in a lot of issues. He doesn't want Jin to go through all that.

For now being with Jin like this is really nice. Of course he is getting feelings.

Just by looking at Jin would make you fall in love with him in no matter of time.

But he can't let a relationship happen. Not because he doesn't want it, it's because he doesn't want Jin suffer and be unsafe bc off all the media and paparazzi.

Right now Jin is lying in his arms and he couldn't enjoy it more.
A little baby angel was sleeping in his arms peacefully.

"What an angel", Tae thought to himself and not long after he fell asleep with Jin in his arms.

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