Episode 18

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In the next Morning the guys woke up with a slight headache, actually Jin, J-hope and Jimin were dying.

Jin,who was still lying in Taehyung's bed found his left side empty and cold. Jin turned around and couldn't find Tae, so he got up and was about to fall but he still could hold him up. The headache was really getting to him.

He heard some noises from downstairs and went there to just find Jimin laying on the floor, curled up in a ball and waiting for his death.

And then there was Hobi who was in the bathroom and puking the heck out of him.

In the meantime Taehyung was watching Suga and Jungkook cooking.

It was actually still calm. Not much happened even though J-hope was throwing up. Until Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi got tons of messages.

Their phone was about to die because of all those messages they got.

Tae quickly opened his phone and he saw the shocking news.

He read the news out:

„Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Taehyung and Min Yoongi were found with their boyfriends in a VIP club."

„Who are those 3 unknown boyfriends of the world stars?"

„Fans Are mad."

„The three unknown boys even fought with girls and got into a huge fight."

Taehyung slammed his phone on the cooking island and took his head into his hands and tried to caress it in frustration. „Fuck"

„What should we do now?", Jungkook said, in the meantime Jin ran to Tae, still a bit tipsy and tried to comfort him.

„Jinnie I am so sorry...", Taehyung said sadly while hanging his head low.

„Don't worry baby it's not your fault.", Jin said while standing close to Tae and putting his arms around Tae's neck so Taehyung could lean onto him.

„Our Manager is going to kill us.", Jungkook exclaimed.
And then a knocking on the door was heard.

„You motherfuckers", the manager said when the door got opened by Suga.

Every one looked down until J-hope came and wanted to greet the manager. „Hi bro, why are you so red ahaahahaha omg I am so tipsy. I even have puke all over me. I love my life. HOPEEEE WORLDDDD!", Hobi Said while turning away and about to walk to Suga's room until he realized that there was something going on.
„Bitches Are you alright? What happened?"
„Nothing much just a little mini thing which is not going to ruin the boys career.", the manager said with sarcasm.

„Oh okay then I'll be going.", J-hope said. „Oh wait you are joking. SUGA's CAREER IS GETTING RUINED?! BABY ARE YOU ALRIGHT? My meow meow." , J-hope worriedly asked while hugging Suga with his puke t-Shirt.

„Guys we have to sort thing out. You guys either have to make it official or break up."

„We are making it official!", everyone said even Jimin who was curled up in a ball a while ago.

„Okay then, make a post on Twitter. I got a camera and equipments, so let's start. Make yourself look presentable." , their Manager Said.

Tae took Jin by the hand and guided him to his room, where he will be changing.

„Babe do you really want to make it official?"
„Yeah sure Tae, I would do anything for you.", Jin said, while turning red.
Tae smiled and pulled Jin on his lap and kissed his forehead.
„I love you."
„I love you too Tae."

Tae finished with dressing up and went down to get freshened up with make up by the staff.
Jin watched every step.
Before Taehyung got like really into his life. Of course he still stabbed him but like without being with Taehyung. Jin always thought about how that staff would caress Tae's face and what a great job that would be.

He slightly got jealous over the woman who made Tae's make up.
He literally made notes on his phone about learning how to do make up, so that Jin would be the only one who would touch Taehyung's face.

Taehyung Jungkook got finished and sat in front of the camera to finally answer those speculations.

They confirmed that they had boyfriends and that they want to respect them.
Jin and Jimin were really proud and after the filming process they went into a group hug.

Not long after the video got posted and it went into the world trends in just a little amount of time.

Jikook and Taejin were then finally in private again and were watching a movie. Sope left a couple of hours ago, they wanted to work on a mixtape together.
They were happy until...


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