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Seokjin and Taehyung had been happily married for 2 years now. They got a new born baby just around 8 months  ago.

Jin and Taehyung always loved kids. And they already wanted one before marriage. Jin's dream was to become a dad and Taehyung's too. So now they were slowly growing a family of their own.

Obviously there will come more kids but for now one kid is enough.

Their first born was a boy. They literally spent months thinking about the baby what to call him. They finally came across one name with the meaning more beloved than the stars in the sky and the sun in the clouds.

The name was Kim Haneulbyeollimgureumhaennimbodasarangseureouri.

Because of the longness of the name. They decided to just call him Haneul.

Okay let me quickly explain, Kim Haneul is a kid out of Taehyung and Jin's (sperms if u know what I mean) because some people are uncomfortable with reading mpreg (so like believe what u want ) I decided to make the baby out of both parents genes the rest is fictional and yes ❤️

And also to the name
(A quick explanation):

And also to the name (A quick explanation):

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Moving on..

Kim Haneul wasn't a really loud and actually an angel. Sometimes he did cry but never really bothered his parents.

As for the Jeon Brothers, they are still bringing out music and a lot of people love their music. In conclusion: they are still really really popular. The most popular band in Korea and international.

Jimin and Jungkook till this day still don't have kids but they will have one really soon.

Present time:

Jin woke up to the site of Taehyung snuggling into the crook of his neck and his hands wrapped round Jin's waist.

Not trying to wake the other male up. Jin carefully tried to lift Taehyung's arm and quickly replaced his body with Yeontan who was already awake and wiggling with his tail.

Tannie often sleeps next to Jin.
He likes to snuggle close to Jin and always loves to get petted by Jin.

Even tho Tannie was a bit jealous of Taehyung taking his Seokjin away he still cuddled with them and slept in happily.

The weight of taehyungs arm around Yeontan made Tannie look at Seokjin as if he was calling for help.

Jin just laughed and pecked the two on their head and made his way to the babies bedroom.

The Jeon Brothers and their crazy fanboys| Taejin/JikookWhere stories live. Discover now