Episode 28

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Jimin quickly went out of the car and ran for his life because Taehyung and Jin couldn't hold it anymore and were particularly already making out in the car. Jin on Tae's lap, kissing the heck out of each other.

Jimin lastly screamed: FUCK THE BOTH OF YOU!!! and hurried away to his own room which he shares with Jungkook.

Jin smirked into the kiss and stood up from Tae's lap and pushed himself to the car door and exited it.

"Are you coming or what?", Jin said with a smirk and watched Taehyung who's mouth was still apart and all wrecked look up at him.

Tae quickly nodded and told his driver to park the car and he could leave for the day.

Tae got out of the car and looked at Jin. Jin slapped his ass. Taehyung looked at Jin with knitted eyebrows and threw Jin over his shoulder  and spanked his ass for 10 times.

"Ow Tae stooop.", Jin complained but we all know he loves it ;).

They entered the house and Jungkook who just arrived and came from the garage (in which 100. Of cars are) looked at them with his mouth apart, banana milk in his hand and he looked so innocent.
"AHH!! My poor eyeseeeee.", Jungkook said while covering his eyes with his hands but still leaving a little gap to look at them.

After all he has to make notes. He has a whole ass Jimin waiting for him in their room. So he obviously has to look what his older brother does. Because we usually learn from our elders, don't we ?👁👅👁

After Tae and Jin went upstairs to their own room Jungkook hurried to his own and saw Jimin already waiting for him. All horny.

"I didn't know you were horny today we just did it yesterday.", Jungkook said while putting his banana milk on his nightstand and already stripping out of his clothes.

"Yeah I wasn't actually ready until I heard all those whimpers and moans from Taehyung and Jin in the car.", Jimin said while crossing his arms with a pout.

Jungkook just smiled and started to kiss Jimin's pout away.

And then we all know what happened.

Upstairs Jin and Taehyung were still making out.

"The way I missed your lips all day jin... you make me crazy!!!", Taehyung growled into Jin's mouth while sucking on Jin's lips and roaming his hands around his body.

He made his way down to his neck, kissing on Jin's sweet spot. Jin's moans started to get louder and Tae sucked harder until a love mark was visible. He smiled to himself and eyed Jin's lustful eyes.

Jin quickly pushed Taehyung off of him and sat on top of him.

He started to open Taehyung's shirt buttons. And tossed it to the other side of the room. He then took of his own shirt and Tae eyed his well defined body. He looked from the top of his chest then to his tiny waist and wanted to caress it and leave kisses and bites all over it but Jin stopped him.

"Not so fast, Baby Tiger.", Jin said and then placing his ass firmly on Tae's crotch. Which made Taehyung moan in pleasure. Actually it started to hurt. He quickly needed to get freed out of his pants and finally release but Jin literally teases him.

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