Epidose 32

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Before we start this extremly boring story I want u to look up and look at the photo below. I will straight up say what I saw... I see Taehyung's- yeah I can't say it. Goodnight and now enjoy ❤️

It was a normal day. Jimin was standing completely naked in the garden and was screaming his lungs off.

Jin who was currently sleeping in Taehyung's arms woke up to a smell. A really bad smell. Even tho the sight in front of him was lovely the smell wasn't. 

Yeontan was sleeping next to his face, the only thing that was bothering him was the farts that left Tannie.

Jin's nose scrunched up in disgust. He couldn't lay there anymore.

He shuffled himself out of Taehyung's embrace and pushed Yeontan, obviously not that hard so he wouldn't wake up, straight next to Taehyung's face.

He just had to hope that Taehyung would wake up the same way as he.

He walked out of the room, grabbed some sweaters and a plain black shirt and moved his way to the bathroom.

When he finished preparing himself for the day, he walked to the kitchen. The kitchen had actually a great view. His eyes fell to a special person.

Completely naked, messy hair, which turned out to be a crazy person running through a garden with a cat sleeping on a bush.

"I'm not even surprised anymore.",jin muttered to himself. He saw Jimin going out naked a lot.

The view made him puke but he tried no to.

Jimin had a reason on why he goes out into the sun. His reason was a cake who needed to go into a oven to get bigger and bake.

Well what Jimin tried to refer to is, his ass. His butt is his cake. And the new Einstein called Jimin obviously believed in the heat of the sun.

While Jin was cutting some vegetables to eat for breakfast, he saw how Jimin turned to him. And now his back was not facing him but his front.

And that's when jin lost it. A sudden urge to choke came over Jin. Holding onto the kitchen island for support. He couldn't handle the view. Lmao

Jimin just rolled his eyes and made his way inside to go grab some clothes.

This routine was on going.

Taehyung would wake up, they would eat together, tae would get ready for work and Jin would stay at home. Oh and Tannie he would either stay with Jin, which actually doesn't happen that often because Tannie is a real daddy boy.

Tannie is Taehyung biased. But he is still Ot2 so don't come at him.

Taehyung walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "This dog has the worst fart ever. I would rather eat dog food for a day than smell that fart again. My mouth was hanging open while he farted into it!", Taehyung exclaimed frustrated.

Tannie just followed him with the biggest grin, still looking like a little fluff ball behind Tae.

Jin just scrunched his nose up in disgust and said: "well then no good morning kiss."

"Babe I literally brushed my teeth already!", Taehyung whined and already made his face into a duck face and marched towards Jin like a giant kid with his arms stretched out to hug.

But Jin quickly moved to the side so Taehyung was now hugging the cactus Jimin bought them. Don't worry it is a small one.

"AH!", "stop moaning Tae.", jin said and cut of Taehyung scream.

Tae just rubbed his arms and grumpily sat down and ate his food with the biggest and most adorable pout. Obviously Jin wouldn't say that because jin obviously knew that Taehyung was now feeling like he is the sexiest.

Jin just shook his head with a smile. And the three of them ate in a comfortable silence until Taehyung stood up. Put his plate into the sink. Quickly pecked Jin's cheek and made his way upstairs. He dressed up and quickly made his way towards his car, but not before he had a long make out session like every morning with Jin. And he left to work.

Their tour would start in 1 week already and he couldn't wait to meet his and his brothers fandom, called army and perform with his little brother. He may or may not have planned something but who knows.

Oh btw this was short af. But  yikes there is no but.

Also don't forget

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