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When we saw my parents in the kitchen door, Angeles lowered her head in respect but also in fear of what they would do. They don't like me hanging out with her since her parents died but she is my best friend and I am not going to allow them to tare us apart, I looked at my parents and bowed my head in respect.

"Mother, Father" I said

"Sofia how many times do we have to tell you not to hang out with her" mother said

"And how many times have I said that no matter what you both say I'm not going to stop being her friend" I said

"Sofia we are doing it for your own good, she doesn't deserve to have friends or family after what she did" father said

"And how many times do I have to remind you that she doesn't know how to fight in human form because if you both don't remember her father didn't want her to learn how to fight, she didn't even had her first shift" I said

"And most likely she never will, maybe she doesn't even have a mate" both of them said

Angeles looked up tears running down her eyes, she ran to her room and locked herself in there for the next two days without coming out to eat or drink. I would go and knock on her door but she wouldn't open, her brother and sister would bang on it and she still didn't open. I was starting to get worried, so I climbed in to her room using the side panels of the house. When I got in her room I heard her in the bathroom throwing up, I ran to her and held her hair so it would get in her face.

"How you feeling" I asked her

"Like shit" she said

"Well you haven't ate or drank anything for the past two days" I said

"I just want to be left alone, I'm tired of being treated like I have been for the past few months" she said

"I know chica but you have me and what would I be with out you?" I asked her

She laughed and I told her I was going to go and get her something to eat, to lock her door and I would knock three times to let her know it was me. I left and went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches and two glasses of oranges juice, when I was about to leave the kitchen my brother came in with Angelo and his girlfriend Angel (God how I hated her). Ignoring them I started to walk out the kitchen when Angelo stopped me, I looked at him and waited to hear what he had to say

"Is that for you or is it for my stupid sister?" he asked

"One yes its for me and her and two she isn't stupid" I said

"Why doesn't she come get her own food instead of you having to take it to her?" Angel asked

"Maybe because she hasn't had any food and water to eat for the past two days and she has been sick because of it but neither one of you care so why are you even asking?" I said

"Your right, tell that bitch that she will start to do everything she was doing before she got sick" Angel said

"And who are you to be giving orders?" I asked

"The future Luna of this pack" she said

"Over my dead body" I said as I walked away not allowing either of them to answer

Once I got to Angeles room I knocked three times like I told her I would and she didn't open, I knocked again and no answer once again so I went to my fathers office and took his extra keys to the room and opened Angeles room to find her on the floor out cold. I ran to her dropping the tray with food and went to her side, I called for my mom and dad and as soon as they came in to the room my father summoned the doctor to come check her and see what was going on.

After about an hour of waiting outside of her room by myself the doctor called me in, I walked in to the room and sat down next to Angeles.

"Do you know if she has already found her mate?" he asked

"Not that I know of" I said

"Well then we need to keep an eye on her, she seems to be depressed" he said

"She hasn't had anything to eat or drink in two days" I told him

"That can explain why she blacked out, she needs to stay in bed and eat good for at least a week before she gets out of bed" he said

"I will make sure that happens" I said

I have been doing as the doctor said to do but Angeles is still throwing up, he asked me to take her in so he can check on her and we are headed that way. When we get there we had to wait for a little bit before the doctor was able to see her, he took blood to run some tests and see what can be causing her to be feeling like this.

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