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I can't believe that Angeles lost only one of the three pups, I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I mean I am happy that she is still having two of our pups but I am responsible of her losing one of them, now finding out she left and I will not be there for any of the ultrasounds or to see how her stomach grows as the pups grow inside of her. How could I be so stupid and treat her like that knowing she might be pregnant with my pups, why would I allow what happened to her that day.

¨Do you know where your sister is at¨ my mother asked

¨No why¨ I asked

¨We can't find her or Manuel anywhere¨ she said

I went to her room and found a note on her bed, it was for my parents but I didn't care I had to know what it said.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have an idea of where Angeles might be, we are going to go look for her. If we don't come back in about three days, it means we found her and we are staying with her and the pups. For now I can't tell you were we are and if you try to find us you will have a very hard time doing so.

Love Always,


So she did know or at least had an idea where Angeles could be, now if she took her phone then I can track her that way. I went to my room and got my phone and logged in to the family tracker and it pin pointed somewhere of the map, which meant that she wasn't in the USA but where could she be. I didn't want to wait any longer and I packed my bags and told my parents I was going to go and find Sofia, Manuel, Angeles and my pups. They just smiled and nodded their heads in approval, they only asked to keep them up to date on what ever I found. As I was walking out of my fathers office, I was met by Angelo and Angel.

¨What do you two want¨ I asked

¨We are going with you¨ they said

¨No your not¨ I said

¨Yes we are, because of us our sister lost one of her pups and left so we have to go as well¨ they said

¨Fine but if when we find them either of you disrespect her you will have to deal with me¨ I said

We left and headed to Italy, Sofia wanted to go there and so did Angeles when they were little and that's were we were going to start.


We got to the café and we opened the doors for the first time, we were so excited. We were packed by noon but we didn't care, we were having so much fun helping our clients. I just wished my parents could have been here to see everything that we have done, everything we have accomplished in just a few days.

My pups are growing and are starting to move a lot but it doesn't bother me, it actually makes me feel more calm knowing that they are alive. Lupe felt bad for not being able to protect the other pup that I lost but I know she did her best, she did everything she could. The time flew by so fast and before we knew it it was time to close. We closed the café and started to clean and get some things ready for tomorrow that way we didn't have to do much the next morning before we opened the café, we went home and cooked dinner and when we were done we went to bed. I laid down on my bed and covered myself with the blanket and placed my hand over my stomach, feeling my pups move under my touch.


We arrived in Italy and we got off the jet, I turned on the tracker and it pin pointed somewhere else on the map. We had gotten far away from it, we got back on the jet that belonged to the pack and we started to try and figure out where they could be. Then it hit me we never checked their bank accounts, I went into my sisters bank account and she had bought a ticket online for New York and that's where we were heading.

We arrived in New York and the went on the tracker again and still we were no where near them, where could they be. I went onto my sisters bank account and we saw she also bought a ticket to Texas and another one to Utah, the last ticket she bought was to Washington DC.

"I got what she was doing now" Angelo said

"What is that" I asked

"Look at the dates and times she bought the tickets" he said

"They were all bought on the same day, at the same time" Angel said

"God damn it, she did say in her letter we would have a hard time finding them" I said

We looked at the tracker on the phone but it was still pin pointing of the map of USA, so I decided to look it up on the computer to be able to try and pin point were they could be. When I got on the computer the pointer was going everywhere on the map, God how I hated my sister and her smart ass. She must have done something for the tracker to go nuts, she has always been a geek all her life. So I decided to call her, maybe if I heard the background I could try to figure out where they could be.

"Hello" she answer

"Sofia, its me. Where are you mom and dad are worried" I said

"I won't tell you anything, not after what you did to my friend" she said

Then I heard the background and heard waves so she has to be on some beach, then I also heard the voice of the one person I needed and wanted to find.

"Sofia lets go we are going to be late to open the café" Angeles said

"You found them?" I asked

"Yes and now I got to go, we are running late" she said as she hung up

"She is on a beach, she also found Angeles, they are together" I said

We went on the computer and looked up all the beaches and we decided we would go to every single beach and hoped we found them, Angeles also said something about a café. Do they work there or do they own it, we would have to go to all the cafés to find them.

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