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When my parents and me got to the hospital, my sister wasn't happy to see me which is understandable. I couldn't believe that because of Angelo, Angel and me Angeles was here in the hospital, in danger of losing my pup. The pup I didn't even know she was expecting, how could I do this to her, to my mate, to our pup.

The doctor came out and looked at all of us and motioned my sister to go to him, and after a few words the doctor left and my sister turned and looked at us with tears in her eyes. This can't be good, if my sister was crying and Manuel was hugging her it really wasn't good news. Mom and dad tried to talk to her and she didn't let them, when I placed my hand on her shoulder she shrug it off.

"What he say" mom asked

She turned and looked me directly in my eyes, with tears still running down hers.

"You must be happy now, she lost the pup thanx to you, your girlfriend and your friend" she said

She started to walk away with Manuel hot on her tracks, I'm guessing to go and give Angeles the sad news. I didn't know what to say or do, because of me she lost my pup. I helped kill my pup, I started to cry. My mom started to cry as well, she knew how it felt to lose a pup since she lost one before she had Sofia. We left and went home, I went to my room and locked the door I didn't want any body to bother me.


I woke up in the hospital, when I started to remember what had happened. I started to freak out and the machines started to go crazy, at that same moment the doctor, Sofia and Manuel came in the room and tried to calm me down.

"Angeles calm down its okay" Sofia said

"The pup, how is my pup?" I asked

"You lost one of the pups" she said with a sad face

"But the other two are doing just fine" the doctor said

"When can I go home" I asked

"When ever you feel better to go" he said

"I want to go home now" I said

"Okay, I will let you go but you got to come back if you feel any pain or if you start to bleed okay" he said

I nodded my head and he left to do the paper work so I could go home, when he came back with the paper work I was ready to go home. When I got in the car, no body said anything all the way home. Once at home I went straight to my room and locked the door placing a chair against the door so in case someone tried to open it they would be able to do so, I went to my closet and got a duffle bag and put some clothing, my laptop with its charger, and the money I had in cash which was about $4000 plus a bank card where my parents had left me money for emergencies and this was one. I got a piece of paper and started to write a note for Sofia, I wanted to make sure she wouldn't freak out when she didn't find me in my room.

Dear Sofia,

You have been my friend since we were little and when my parents were killed you were the only one who was there for me, you never turned your back on me even though your parents told you to do so. I really hope to see you soon but for now I need to go away, I am not wanted here and thanx to them I lost my pup but I promise to keep in touch with you. Don't know where I am going but the only thing I do know is that I will go far away from here, once I am settled I will let you know where I am. Take care and please don't tell anybody of why I really left, I am not taking my phone because they will track me down that way and I don't want to be found.

Love You Always,



Tell Manuel thankyou for helping me

I left the letter on my bed and I climbed out the window and down to the floor, once on the floor I ran until I was at the airport and bought a ticket for the first flight out which was Hawaii. Once on the plain I was able to relax I wasn't going to be found easily, I had paying in cash and I had also gone to the bank and took out all the money that was in the account that my parents left me before coming to the airport and getting on this plain to my new destination.

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