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After I opened my eyes I stayed quiet, not moving just watching as he cried while holding my hand. I slowly lifted my other hand placing it on his head making him stop crying, he slowly lifted his head and my hand slid down to his cheek while his eyes were on mine.

"Angeles, your awake. You open your eyes baby, I'm going to go get James" he said as he left my room and went to get James

After a few minutes he came back to the room with James, James looked at me and gave me a smile before turning to see Benito.

"Go call everybody and tell them that Angeles is awake, while I check her over and make sure everything was okay" James said

"No, I am staying here. I already told them through the mind link, they will be here in a few minutes" Benito said

James started to check my vitals and all the machines that I was hooked up to, after a while he closed the clip board and looked at me.

"Angeles do you know where you are" he asked

I nodded my head yes, not having the strength to talk.

"Do you remember what happened" he asked

Once again I just nodded.

"Does your throat hurt" he asked

Once again I just nodded.

"Okay here drink this, it will help with that and help you wet your throat some" he said

As I tried to lift my hand to take the cup, my arm started to hurt making me flinch at the sudden pain I felt.

"Here let me help you" Benito said

He helped me sit up and brought the cup to my mouth, I took a few sips of the water and it made my throat feel a lot better. After he put the cup back on the table next to the bed, he helped me lay back down on the bed. He started to pull his hand away from mine but before he could my grip on it got tight, he looked straight in my eyes with a shock look.

"Do you want me to continue holding you hand" he said

I nodded my head up and down, on a yes motion. Before he could say anything the door to the room flew open and in walked in my kids, my parents, my brother, Sofia, Manuel, and Benito's parents. They all ran to my side of the bed and started to take turns to hug me, they started to ask me questions but when I didn't answer they looked to James with questioning face.

"Don't worry, she is fine. She was in coma so long that her throat hurts her some what, I already started to give her some water with some medicine so that her throat will get better faster. It will take time though, we all have to take in consideration that she was in coma for three months" he said

At that moment my grip on Benito's hand got tighter, and Benito looked at me with a assuring smile.

"Don't worry baby, you will be back to your old self again in no time" he said

I looked at him and smiled, I couldn't stop looking in his eyes.

"James I have a question that I have been wanting to ask you for a while now" he said

"What is it Benito" James said

"How come I feel sparks when I touch Angeles, if she broke the mate bond" he asked

"Well did you ever accept when she broke the mate bond" James asked

"No I didn't" he said

"Well that why, you see if you didn't accept the brake up of the mate bond you kept it together even though she wanted to break it you didn't allow it" James said

Benito looked at James and then at me, his eyes full of love. I looked at him with the same type of smile, I then turned to see my kids and our family still next to us.

"Well we are going to let her rest" mom said

"That would be a good idea, the more she sleeps and the faster she drinks the water the faster she will be able to recover" James said

With that they all left and I was once again left alone with Benito, I turned to look at the cup with the water and Benito took the cup from the side table and helped me so I could drink it. I drank as much as I could before I lifted my head letting Benito know that I had drank all I could for now, he placed the cup on the side table and helped me lay down once more. Before he could get back to sitting on the chair I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me making him almost fall on the bed next to me, he looked at me like I was crazy until I slowly move to the other side of the bed making room on the bed for him to lay down next to me which he did without thinking it twice. I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, by the time I stopped looking at him I had laid my head on his chest letting the blackness take over this time because I was tired, sleepy and soar.

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