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Its been several days since I started my therapy, Benito has been with me through out the whole thing. I can truly say that he is being very supportive and a great mate, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. He has been with me since day one and I couldn't be more happier to have his support every step of the way, he has been doing the therapy with me when the therapist cant come to do them herself.

Today I have been with mom, Sofi, the two set of twins and Benito's mom in my room. They have also been helping me take a few steps even though I was told not to I just couldn't stop myself from trying to walk without any help, they have been saying that they come to my room because they want to spent some time with me before I take a nap like I always do after the therapy. With every day that passes the stronger my legs get and the easier I am able to take a few more steps then I had don't the day before.

"So when are you going to tell Benito that you have been taking a few steps by yourself" Sofia asked

"I don't know, I want to make sure that I can walk with out shaking or having this face of someone sticking needles in my torso with every step I take" I said

"Well you are doing a great job mommy" Leo and Candy said

"Thankyou babies" I said to them

I kept taking several steps one foot in front of the other, I started to smell Benito's scent getting closer and I went and sat on my bed with my back against the head board. Leo and Candy came and sat on the bed next to me, pulling out their Gameboy 3DS's that we got them and pretended to be showing me how to play the games that they were playing on them. When Benito came in to the room mom, Sofia, his mom and I were laughing and saying how we were old dogs learning new tricks with Leo and Candy, he came and sat next to Leo who was on his side of the bed.

"So what are you two teaching this beautiful ladies if I may ask" Benito said

"We are teaching them how to play Mortal Combat but mommy keeps losing" Leo and Candy said at the same time

"Well maybe if you keep teaching them they might someday win" Benito said

We all started to laugh and after a few minutes they all left to get ready for dinner, Benito and I took a nice long bath. It always helps to relax my muscles after every therapy and me walking in the room for a few minutes trying to get the strength back on my legs. After our bath we dried ourselves and got into our clothing and like always Benito helped me get down to the kitchen, everybody already knows that I am able to take a few steps but I made them promised that they wouldn't say anything about me being able to walk.

After we all finished eating, Benito helped clean the table and washed the dishes. I took this moment to go up the stairs with Angelo right behind me incase I got weak or lost my balance and fell backwards, by the time we got to the top of the stairs I headed to the bedroom and I closed the door. Angelo left me there and went down stairs, I had decided that today was going to be the day that I would tell Benito that I am able to walk but not with my full strength. Benito came in and I was in the bathroom putting on some black and red lacey underwear and bra, I think he thought I was in the bathroom since he went directly to it.

"Angeles were are you" he asked

"I will be right out, I'm in the closet" I answered

"Okay, do you need any help" he asked

"No I am okay" I answered

Once I was done changing I walked out of the closet and looked at the bed where Benito was laying on it, I walked to the bed and kept my eyes on him. When I was somewhat close to the bed, I stopped and looked at Benito with my mind made up.

"Hey Benito" I said

"Yes Angeles" he said

"Can I ask you something" I said

"Sure baby what is it" he said

"What would you do if you saw me walking towards you at this moment" I asked

"Well I would take you in my arms and give you a kiss showing you how proud I am of you" he said

"Well then why don't you give me that kiss" I said

He opened his eyes processing what I had just said and then looked up to where I was, he kept his eyes on me as I walked towards him. My legs still shaking from all the strength that I was using to stay balanced and hold myself from making any faces showing how much pain I was in, I kept my eyes on his until I was standing in front of him. When I was near to where he could reach out and grab ahold of me he snaked his arms around my waist and placed his lips on mine, as he had said he gave me a very passionate kiss that made me weak to my knees at that moment I was happy that he was holding me because if not I would most likely ended on the floor.

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