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As James kept glancing towards everyone who were standing at the other side of the bedroom, looking like he was missing something or something was going on. Everybody had a big smile on their faces and you could tell that James was getting suspicious about something going on but no one said nothing, I just hoped that everyone kept their mouth shot until I was able to give James the surprise of my voice being back.

"Well everything seems good, vitals are normal and your wound is completely closed but you should still be in bed for a few more days just to make sure" James said

"Okay, that sounds good but how much longer will I have to be in bed" I asked using my voice

"Maybe two or three more days" he said

"And when will I be able to start walking by myself" I said

"Well I would like for you to start some therapy so you could start getting the strength in your leg muscles little by little, too fast could cause you to cramp up and be in pain. I will also instruct the therapist to teach who ever you like how to do the therapy incase you feel unconvertable, I will be letting you know when the therapist will be here for your first day of therapy" he said

"That sounds good" I said

"Well I shall be on my way, I will see you tomorrow to check your vitals and see how your doing" he said

Everybody said their goodbyes and James left, we all almost laughed but we were able to hold our laughter.

"Three, two, one" I said

Just as I was saying one James came in to the room running with a shock look on his face, he looked at me and then looked at everybody else with a questioning look.

"Did you just talk with out using your mind link" he said

"Yes" I said

"Why didn't you tell me that you got your voice back" he asked

"Well you didn't ask did you" I said with a smirk on my face

"Well then may I check your throat and make sure you are not straining it to much" he said

He checked my throat and after awhile of checking it he said that it looked like it was almost completely healed, which made me and everybody so happy although he did say not to scream because that would probably make my throat hurt way to much. He left and went back to the hospital, as soon as James left the pack house we all started to laugh so hard.

"Sorry for interrupting but their is a call for Angeles" a pack member said giving me the phone

I took the phone and I answered it, after awhile I hung up and looked at everybody in the room.

"The King and Queen are coming to visit us, they should be here in the next two days" I said

"Well then we have to start getting ready for their arrival" mom said

Everybody left and Benito and I were left alone once again, we spent the day with Leo and Candy. We had so much fun playing games and enjoying the time with our kids, we decided to have a movie night so while Leo and Benito went to get popcorn, drinks and who knows what other junk food for our movie night. Candy and I stayed in the room deciding what movies we were going to watch throughout the night, we finally decided to watch a The Nightmare Before Christmas for our first movie and then we were going to let the boys decide what movie we watch after the first movie later.

We watched the movie that Candy and I picked while eating junk food and drinking soda, by the time the second movie was over Leo and Candy were fast asleep and Benito took them to their room. Then he came back and started to clean the mess that we had made with the popcorn and the chips, they were all over the bed and the floor since we decided that it would be fun to have ourselves a little food fight boys against girls I got to say that Candy and I won the war against the boys, he finished cleaning the mess while we talked about how fun it was to watch movies and end up having a food fight between the two movies.

"Im going to go take a shower" he said

"Can I join you" I asked

"You really want to take a shower with me" he said

"Well if you don't mind that is" I said

He smiled and picked me up from the bed, took me to the bathroom and sat me on the sink while he got the shower running. When he got it to the right temperature he came to me and looked into my eyes while I did the same, I put my hand on the hem of his shirt and started to lift it up over his head. I slid my hands over his biceps feeling every single muscle on his body, I didn't break eye contact and I could see how his eyes were showing lust, love and admiration. He took my shirt off to find that I wasn't wearing any bra, his looked up at me with a questioning look.

I leaned in to his body, wrapping my hands around his neck while his hands snaked around my waist. He didn't make a single move, probably waiting to see what I would do next. I kept eye contact as I started to pull him towards me, slowly wanting to savor every millisecond that I could from all I was doing. When his lips were mere millimeters away from mine, I didn't want to waste any more time and my lips made contact with his lips. We moved in unison letting our lips dance against each other, neither of us wanting to end the kiss that I had started. Before I knew it I was lifted and the water was shut, he took me to our bed and my back made contact with the bed.

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