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After spending some time with Leo, Candy, Sofia, Manuel, Angelo, mom, dad, Benito's parents, and Sofia and Manuel's twin girls we went to eat dinner. I tried to feed myself but the pain that I was feeling every time I moved my hands made me give up and ask for help, I felt like a baby when Benito, Candy and Leo started taking turns feeding me. Mom and Guadalupe also made the water mixed with the medicine to help my throat, Leo and Candy helped me drink it by bringing the cup up to my mouth.

"So where are we going to put Angeles so she can rest" Guadalupe asked

"Well she is still Benito's mate so it is obvious he stay with her, besides he already knows at what time she has to take her medicine and how to give it to her since he was the one who spent more time with her in the hospital and was there at the times that James went in to the room and give her the medicine" dad said

"Well what do you say Angeles you can stay in my room or you can stay in another room and I will only go in to give you your medicine or if you need me, it is up to you I don't want to force anything on you" Benito said

"I guess I am staying with you since like dad said you already know what time I have to take my medicines" I said through the mind link

"Okay then it is settled you will stay with Benito and if Benito needs any help then we will all be just a few doors down from yours" Jeronimo said

We went up the stairs to the room as mom and Guadalupe helped my take a bath and change into some pajama pants and a matching shirt to sleep, when they were done helping me Guadalupe called Benito to help me get to bed. Once in bed I saw Benito with his "IM THINKING" face, I didn't say anything until it started to bother me and I had to speak up.

"What are you thinking" I asked him through a private link so only he could hear me

"Just something you said earlier" he said

"What was it, I have said so many things lately since I am able to communicate" I said

"You said and I quote "They told me it wasn't my time to leave, they said I had to come back" what did you mean by they" Benito said

"Well its a some what long story" I said

"Well we have all night, so could you please tell me what you meant with they" he said

"When I said they I meant the pups I lost" I said with my eyes starting to water

"What do you mean the pups you lost" he said

"When I was in coma I saw The Moon Goddess and she asked me to follow her so I did, while we were walking she said that she wanted me to meet some children. We walked through a forest and came to a clearing were their were two boys and two girls, one of the girls was bigger than the other three kids. When they saw me they ran towards me calling me mommy and hugging me, I looked at The Moon Goddess and she smiled nodding her head in confirmation to what they had just called me. They then started telling me that I had to come back to you, Leo and Candy, that you all still needed me especially Leo and Candy. The oldest girl said that she had been taking care of her brothers and sister since they got their, that one day I would join them but it wasn't at that moment. They said that they have been keeping an eye on us because The Moon Goddess said they could, that they would continue looking at us until we join them. They said that I had to come back, I told them I didn't know how to come back. They then told me to listen to your voice and follow it, but I couldn't hear it at first and they told me to focus which I did and I started to hear your voice asking me to open my eyes, then all four of them and me started to run following your voice and I came to where there was a bright light and I ran to it. That's when I woke up to see you holding my hand and crying, after I staired at you for a few minutes I put my hand on your head and that's when you realized I was awake" I said

Benito didn't say anything, he was just looking down. He took my hand and placed a kiss on it, then looked in my eyes. I guess to see if I had made up this whole story or if I was telling the truth, when he saw what he was looking for he started to cry and placed his face in my hands. When he did that I started to cry as well, I guess I got emotional telling him what had happened. Once we had stopped crying he place a kiss on my forehead and then laid down next to me and pulled me so my head was laying on his chest, before I knew it I was greeting the darkness and going to dream land hoping to see my pups once again if The Moon Goddess allowed me to see them.

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