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I woke up in a white room, no body was around me. I was started to freak out and started to hear some machines going off, next thing I know I see James and Benito ran into the room and Benito takes me in his arms and I settle my head on his chest taking in his warmth. Trying to feel safe, he just held me in his arms rubbing my back telling me sweet things to help me relaxed. Once I was feeling better, I placed my hand on my belly making sure I was still pregnant.

"Don't worry baby they are still there, they are fine" Benito said

"What happened, why am I here" I asked

"Well remember how the doctor told us to bring you to see James as soon as we got home, well you had fallen asleep on the plane and I picked you up and brought you here but we got worried because you didn't wake up or stir when I placed you on the bed" he said

"And what happened, why am I connected to all these machines" I asked

"Well because on the blood work I did, I found that someone had put some kind of sleeping medication in the chocolate covered strawberries and you were put to sleep for sometime but I wanted to keep you connected to make sure that you were doing good through them" James said

"How do you know that it was the chocolate cover strawberries" I asked

"Well because it was the only thing I didn't eat that you did and you were the only one who didn't wake up" Benito said

He held me close to him and I just felt safe with him, at our wedding he promised to take care and protect us and he did so during our honey moon and now he is here caring for us making us feel safe. James asked Benito to let him check me which meant that he wound have to let me go, I started to tense up.

"Its okay baby I will be on the other side of the bed, I am not going any where" Benito said

"How about you let me check you and after we can do an ultrasound to see how those babies are doing" James said


When James said he would do an ultrasound to see how that babies were doing, I got so excited I looked at our babies and maybe finding out what they are. James stared to look over Angeles vitals and see how she is reacting with everything that has been said to her, I held her hand through out the whole thing and when James was done he said he would be right back before leaving the room.

When James came back he came in with the ultrasound machine and he started to set it up to do the ultrasound, I looked at Angeles and gave her a big smile. She looked at me and placed her hand on her belly, I placed mine on top of hers and then bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips and then one on her belly. I couldn't wait to see our babies, I moved to the other side of the bed when James asked me to since I was on the side he needed to be.

"So are we ready to see these babies" James asked

"Yes we are" we both said

"Okay then, I only have one last question do you want to know the sex of the babies or do you want it to be a surprise" James asked

"We would like to know what the sex of the babies are" Angeles said

"Okay then lets get this going" James said

He started to the gel and put it on Angeles belly and then he turned on the ultrasound machine, he started to move the wand around on her belly and just kept smiling which told me everything was good so far. Then he looked at us and turned the screen so we could also see, he then proceeded to show us where the babies heads where and their little arms and legs, he then turned the machine so we could see it in 3D and we were able to see their face features and their hands and legs. We were so excited and happy to be able to see our babies this way, he then said if we were ready to find out what they were and we just nodded our heads. He started to look around still in 3D and he said that we were having two boys and showed us on the machine and then printed some pictures for us to save, we were so happy to find out we were having two boys who looked like me and Leo.

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