Baby Daddy Issues

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WARNING: MALE PREGNANCY (Well more like a tag, in this world male pregnancy is normal)

Namjoon is pregnant.

By his baby daddy of course


Oh, the one and only Park Jimin.

Fuck buddies who had feelings for each other when they shouldn't. They had a bunch of warnings "Jimin stop messing around with him, you guys are going to catch feelings and then it'll go down hill. It's obvious already" Hoseok,Seokjin and Yoongi always tell him but Jimin doesn't really listen.

It was when Namjoon and Jimin were both way too drunk and Jimin forgot the condom.


It was a few weeks later when Namjoon found out he was pregnant. He thought he was dying. He was ecstatic about bringing a new life into this world, espically by his crush.

But his world broke down when he told Jimin.

Namjoon smiles showing Jimin the pregnancy test

"What?! What the hell do you mean your fucking pregnant? No. It's not mine. You were probably fucking someone else, you damn slut!"

Namjoon frowns at Jimin's words

"N-no... I was only seeing you Jimin.. you know that, you fucking know that!" Namjoon yells, furious now that Jimin just denied being the father of his new baby.

"We used protection everytim-... When we were drunk... Did-.. Did I not use protection?.." Jimin sat down carding his hand through his hair.

"I don't know Jimin.." Namjoon replied sadly, he honestly didn't, was too intoxicated to remember.

"Well I don't fucking care. You better get an abortion because I am not. AM NOT ready for a child. We're not even dating for Christ sake!" Jimin yells sighing.

"What if... we trie-"

"NO! I am not ready for a relationship Namjoon! And you of all people should fucking know that!" Jimin yells standing up

"Of course" Namjoon laughs sadly "how could I fucking! Forget! Mister Park Jimin over here isn't ready for a relationship, but just loves dicking me down for his pleasure! Must've loved it so much that you fucking knocked me up!" Namjoon yells back with tears streaming down his face.

Jimin looks at him sternly "Don't even go there Namjoon. Get an abortion Namjoon or I'm leaving. I'm never going to fucking talk to you ever again."

"Go ahead Jimin, go fucking leave like how you always do! I'm not getting an abortion." Namjoon says back, standing his ground.

"Goodbye Namjoon."

"Fuck you Jimin. FUCK YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Namjoon screams turning into sobs "but I love f-fucking much"

It was an hour later when Namjoon's roomates came home: Jungkook and Taehyung (Namjoon's little brother)

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