S1E12: The Heat of Hatred and the Moon

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Blue Embers: Season1 Chapter 12

-The Heat of Hatred and the Moon-


"It's arranged," Jooheon said as he sat next to me. "When the tournament finishes, they will send his body back home."

"Good," I said, getting up from my seat and walking away. "Get ready for your match. It's only going to get harder from here."

As I walked away, I could hear the announcement sound for Jooheon's match.

Narrator POV

Jooheon stood up from where he sat and made his way to the ring.

He walked out onto the ring to see the contestant dressed in ninja garb matching his steps as they approached the ring. They reached their positions in the ring and settled into their poses for the fight. A quick skim of the crowd but Jooheon couldn't see Y/n anywhere. He sighed and readied himself, noticing that Kyo had crosses in his eyes.

The announcement was given and Jooheon carefully watched to see what his opponent would do next. Before he realized it, Kyo was gone. Jooheon panicked and began frantically looking around.

"And just like that, Kyo is GONE! We've seen this move from him all day and it has gotten him some easy wins!" The announcer said excitedly.

Jooheon POV

Where did he go!? He was just there, and then... just... just gone!? I turned around in a panic and was met with a kick to the face. I tried to counter with a quick blast of fire, but again, he just vanished. He disappeared... right in front of my eyes... I lost my balance when I attempted to counter and I ended up falling over. I stood up as fast as I possibly could and readied myself to try to counter again.

The crowd went crazy over the attack. "Just like his other matches! Kyo is keeping with his ninja aesthetic and really being sneaky!" The announcer hyping up the crowd even more.

I closed my eyes and cleared my head, taking a deep breath. Before I could ready myself completely, there was a shot into my right side, and the right side of my head, which sent me flying again. I launched myself up from the ground the moment I landed, prepared to fire back. Once I did, I realized that he was gone again. The crowd was loving the maneuvers that Kyo was using.

What the hell?! How can I fight someone I can't get a lock on to? I frantically look around trying to get any kind of hint that he's there. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice him show up. I block the kick he threw, meant to connect with the side of my head. I quickly grab his ankle and pull him into an elbow shot that connected smoothly. I released his ankle with my right hand and threw a flamed covered punch that also connected. This sent him flying back and rolling to a stop on the ground. The crowd seemed to love the counter as they were screaming and cheering.

I focused my Sole into my feet and launched myself toward him, cocking my fist back and allowing it to engulf into flames once again. With him still in my sights, I threw it forward, blasting as much fire as possible into his direction.

Finally! A good shot in! That should have been strong enough to-

My train of thought was cut off by the flames I just fired off hitting me... from behind. It launched me just as I thought it would. Hard and far. I managed to stop myself by launching more flames in front of me, thrusting myself back. It worked, but I landed on my back and rolled. I'm definitely going to need to go to the medical tent after this one...

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