S1E15: Hawaii

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Blue Embers: Season 1 Chapter 15



     After I finished off Hellfire at the tournament, everyone helped me to the medical tent. Honestly, I'm still sore, but I'm glad it's over. Ascending seriously takes a lot out of you and tears your body up. Although is seems like no one else noticed it was me, so that's a plus. We're still unsure how I was able to ascend, but we aren't going to complain, I won the tournament and saved everyone there. Hellfire also made it out alive as well.

     Faking coming back and hearing the news about Adrian to Lisa was hard. Having to relive that memory was heavy. We all miss you, Adrian.

     Right now, myself and Jooheon are on a plane to Hawaii to essentially deliver Adrian to his family. They're expecting us and his fiancée even offered for us to stay at their home. I sigh as a tear falls down my cheek.

     "Hey, it's okay. Kelly won't be mad at you, and I seriously doubt that little Shay is gonna be mad at you either." Jooheon reasoned.

     "Yeah, but that doesn't make it any easier to visit a family that lost someone in a tournament that we survived," I replied.

     "Well, when you put it that way..." He sighed. "We should get some sleep, though. It's gonna be a long flight."


     I was shaken awake lightly by Jooheon, we had apparently arrived in Hawaii. I took a deep, sleepy breath and rubbed my eyes. I looked out the window and confirmed that we were, in fact, on the ground. I stood up and grabbed my carry-on from Jooheon, who had grabbed it for me.

     "Hey, don't worry. No one's going to blame you." He comforted me with a hand on my shoulder.

     I didn't say anything, just slightly nodded and kept my eyes glued to the ground. We got off the plane, then went to gather our other luggage. Then the special bag I had prepared for my arrival. After that, we ran into someone holding a sign with both mine and Jooheon's names. Both of us slightly confused, we approached the man.

     "Aloha," Jooheon started. "We weren't aware that anyone would be waiting for us."

     "I know, but Kelly had said you denied her offer to stay at their place. We can't just accept no." The man smiled back as if nothing was wrong. " Come on, their place is amazing. Besides, they want you to stay there. No use in spending money on a hotel when you can have their company and home for free."

     Defeated, we nodded at each other and followed him to his vehicle. The ride was a forty-five minute, quiet, awkward drive. We arrived at the home we set out to. Upon stepping out of the car, I took in the view.

     It was beautiful. Their home sat on the edge of a beach and overlooked the ocean, which in itself was gorgeous. The air was far fresher than what Korea has, no fine dust or anything. Soft sand, and what looked like a guest home to the side of the main home. Off in the distance past the homes, you can see the giant, deep purple, wave that Adrian had frozen when he had awoken. The sound of the waves... they're so calming. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to just take in the air and sound of the waves and birds.

     "Oh, hello. You must be Jooheon and Blue." A kind and softly spoken voice prompted me to open my eyes and look on to see a woman standing in the door of the home with a soft, pained smile.

     I immediately dropped to my knees and placed my forehead to the ground. "I'm so sorry... I should have saved him... I swear, I-"

     "That's quite enough. It's not your fault at all, honey. There was nothing you could do." She said sweetly with a smile. "Please, come in. I prepared some lemonade for everyone."

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