S3C7: Lisa's House

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~Season 3 Theme~

Season 3 | Chapter 7

-Lisa's House-


    "Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?" A maid in black and white asked after laying a towel and tray with drinks, then dumping a small bowl of powder into the bath. "This stuff will help ease your pain."

    "Is there a controller for the TV?" I asked.

    "No, just use your phone or the tablet on the arm there. You can watch whatever you fancy." She said with a smile.

    "Oh, nice." My eyebrows rose in surprise, even though this was something that I should have figured. "That's it then, thank you, Miss."

    "It was no problem, sir. Please enjoy your soak. Should you need anything else, please do not hesitate to call for me. The tablet does not have a password, and you can find my number under 'Chaemin'. I'll be your personal help since I'm also Miss Lisa's maid." She explained.

    "Awesome, thank you." She bowed a full ninety degrees and then made her way from the bathroom.

    The way that the staff here does their jobs and treats the family with so much respect shows that they enjoy their work here. It was obvious that the M family treated them well. It reflected the way that Lisa treated Rayven, her butler, as well.

    Come to think of it, while we were shopping that first time, Rayven explained how well they were treated as staff. Their paychecks always paid in full and sometimes early, food covered, and full medical. Like the type of medical where they just send any medical-based bill to the M family and they take care of it. The family also apparently takes care of their housing, even offering them rooms. It's not often that people with this much wealth actually go out of their way so much as to take care of their employees. Like, they went further than they had to.

    The steam from the water-filled the room, the mirrors not fogging up due to the great ventilation of the room. The hot water traveled up my skin as I lowered myself into it. The pain that was pulsing through my body steadily eased, and by the time I had completely sat down it had went away. I sunk down more so that the water was up to my neck while I looked for something to watch on my phone. Finally finding a playlist on YouTube that looked interesting and sat my phone down. The volume of the TV rang through the incredibly fancy bathroom. The bathroom was all white with black accents here and there. The atmosphere was peaceful.

    Honestly, I don't see how she leaves this to spend so much time with me. This place is absolutely amazing. Literally anything you would ever need including an amazing family that cares. I guess that's just more confirmation that she really does love and care for me. All the more reason to get my Sole back as soon as humanly possible.

    A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I relaxed more and more. Realizing that none of the pain I had when I got here was present.

    Whatever it is that she put in this water is really doing the work. I don't feel anything. Not even the smallest pain. It's crazy how big the gap is in the pain tolerance of a normalem and a Sole user. While I had my Sole, I barely felt anything unless the other person was far stronger than me. And you have to beat a Sole user badly for them to feel this bad for so long. Usually, about a night's rest, and you're fine enough to function without much trouble. But this... This is intense and painful. I can't imagine how bad Lisa is feeling, she got it far worse than me.

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