Episode 1, Scene: Meeting Can, Sanem's POV

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When Sanem met Can Divit for the first time she did it in the most typical Sanem style...by embarrassing herself...and it only took a few moments...

Guliz and CeyCey had been gossiping at the coffee station when Sanem sat down at the counter and joined them.
"Look CeyCey, I really think Can Bey is staying", Guliz insisted. "He was to stay for only 2 days but, he postponed his ticket".
"What nonsense are you saying now Guliz?" CeyCey asked.
Guliz continued gossiping, "I'm saying that he should have been gone by now but, he's still here. I'm telling you, he's going to be left in charge until Aziz Bey returns, you just watch. But this place doesn't suit him well, at all...He's wild and crazy. Watch, he's going to close down the office and then leave!"
"When are you going to say something good for once, Guliz", CeyCey said to her mockingly.
Sanem was curious about this Can Divit that everyone was talking about and wanted to learn more about him. She had yet to meet him.
"Guliz, how do you know that Can Bey will be in charge? Where did you get that information from?" She asked curiously.
"Sweetie, I know because when Can doesn't have any work, he never comes to the agency. But this time, in the morning..." Guliz's voice suddenly trailed off as a certain someone joined them at the coffee station unexpectedly, and unbeknownst to Sanem. At that very moment Sanem piped in. "You know, according to what you say, it sounds like Can Bey is very arrogant and only thinks about himself..I mean, aren't all bosses like that? When they get bored, they go play with the crocodiles... if they're still bored they go and raise lions. They say "we have this company, let's come and go whenever we feel like it and be the bosses." You know, in fact, life is pretty nice for them...I'm hungry are you guys hungry?" Guliz and CeyCey just stared at her and tried motioning her to stop talking but she misinterpreted their gestures. "So no?" She continued to ramble on. "Anyway, where was I...oh yeah, who is he anyway, who is this Can Bey? For example I don't know him, he's the boss but I've never seen him, and I'm an employee here, a service clerk but still important no less. After all we're all people here, right? We don't differ from each other."
Guliz finally made eye contact with Sanem and opened up her eyes wide to gesture her to stop talking. At last, Sanem noticed Guliz and CeyCey staring at her. CeyCey muttered "Shut up", and then signalled to her with his eyes that they weren't alone. Sanem suddenly felt a warm presence envelope her, like a blanket had been draped over her entire body.

It was him.

She slowly pointed in the direction behind her and bravely asked them for confirmation,"He's behind me, isn't he?"
"Yes!" Guliz and CeyCey both exclaimed relieved that she finally understood their cues.

Sanem took one gulp and closed her eyes. She could hear her childish and disrespectful words ringing in her ears over and over again, and she cringed at the sound of them. Her heart started pounding. A tingling feeling started creeping up her already warm back...then to her neck...and then to her cheeks. She felt him. He was approaching her. She held her breath as she turned her head slowly to meet her fate. And there he was...Can Divit, in the flesh...She was stunned by his striking appearance. He was tall with broad shoulders and a muscular built, manicured beard, his soft brown hair combed back neatly into a man bun...he was very casually dressed, looking less the part of a typical head of the company and more like a member of a biker gang. All that was missing was the motor-cycle helmet and skull and crossbones patch. But at the same time his bad boy appearance was at odds with the softness in his face. He was strikingly handsome and Sanem didn't quite know how to react. He came up beside her, took off his sunglasses and leaned into her settling his elbow onto the counter as he held his chin up with his fist and peered through squinted eyes to inspect this new critic. From them comes an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness. He took a few moments to look into her eyes as if examining her. The silence was deafening and felt like an eternity had passed. He then put his hand down from his chin and tilted his head slightly to one side to study her even more closely. He finally opened his mouth and the most velvety voice she had ever heard came out of it.

"What's your name?" He asked her, the baritone of his voice reverberating through her bones.
When he spoke she could feel her cheeks flush even more. She was used to getting into trouble, but this was so different. She was ashamed and didn't know how to save herself. His presence was overpowering. She had still not recovered from his intense stare. As she looked into his eyes she could feel him searching deep into her soul and she felt vulnerable. She couldn't help but notice his beautiful eyes. They were like melted chocolate...warm and addictive. Her body was tingling all over now. It was good that she was sitting because she was afraid her legs wouldn't have been able to keep her standing. She barely managed to say her name.

"Sanem", she responded in a soft and timid voice.

"Sanem" he repeated with a small smile without breaking his gaze on her. The low rumble of his voice was comforting as it carried her off to a world where there was no other sound heard but his voice. She had never heard her name sound more beautiful than the way he had said it to her.

"Sanem, my name is Sanem", she heard herself say again. She was lost for words and struck by the power behind those breathtaking eyes....power that could suck you in like a vacuum. They looked so inviting but reckless as hell. She knew he would be trouble, but she was instantly intrigued...and there was no going back.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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