Episode 31 Goodbye

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If there's one thing we all enjoy, it's a great love story. One that fills our hearts with the joy, hope and despair of human attraction. One that inspires us with wonderful characters and a gripping plot. One that we'll enjoy time and time again so that we can take in every last detail. One that we can connect to on a deeper level. And one, when told well, will activate our "feel-good" hormones and make us feel as if it was all happening to ourselves.

Erkenci Kus has definitely become one of those stories...And not only because the passion and chemistry is off the charts between our two main beloved characters, Can and Sanem. Just as important to the story are the obstacles, turmoil and conflicts which slows down the yearning and extends the courtship for as long as possible. Although it is frustrating to endure, it is a necessary element that will allow for character development and at the same time test the strength of their undying love for one another.

This all makes sense from a literary viewpoint, but when you feel so connected to the love story, these obstacles and conflicts can be very traumatic. And Can and Sanem's breakup during this part of their story does just that. Their breakup feels like a tragic ending... so tragic to the point that we are left wondering, where did the love go? Where is the magic? How could this beautiful fairytale have ever come to such a tragic end? It was far too great of a love to not last... Perhaps the infamous final lines from Shakespeare's beloved tragic love story, best describes the breakup in our epic tale...
"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

Nevertheless, although we feel the injustice, perhaps the breakup is necessary to highlight the flaws of their relationship. You must admit, this ending was the one thing we all dreaded from the very beginning...and dare I say as harsh as it may sound, that this union was destined for failure as it did not start out on a solid foundation with good intentions. How could we ever say that this was a pure, mature and long-lasting love, strong enough to withstand life's challenges when it was based on lies, deception, and betrayal. When Can found out Sanem was being deceitful towards him again, it brought back all the other lies that were told and made him think that she had never changed...he doubted that she was ever right for him. It had opened up a wound that hadn't completely healed over and so he was no longer capable of opening up to her. He was angry and hurt. Often times when this happens men close off their feelings without realizing that their actions, or absence of actions, may be considered unkind or unthoughtful. This would explain his behaviour around her afterwards especially when Polen conveniently kept showing up. He was oblivious to how this was affecting Sanem. We know how much he loves Sanem when we saw his reaction after the accident, and also from his jealous behaviour around the new guy, Yigit. He was wondering "Who is this guy anyways always showing up from nowhere? And why is he bumping into Sanem...That was OUR thing". But when he got the cold shoulder from Sanem, he closed off his feelings again which is why he couldn't bring himself to call her the night of the accident to see how she was doing even though he couldn't stop thinking about her all through the night. And although when he's around her he appears to be cold and impersonal, when he is alone he is always thinking about her so it proves he's not done with her just yet.

Sanem, on the other hand, is angry and hurt from Can's rejection. She is offended by his behaviour and surprised how quickly he could turn off his feelings. She gives up on him but she doesn't realize that he's still processing everything (even though everyone told her he just needed time to think). But instead of blaming herself she puts up a front and tries to appear stronger in front of him. In doing so, she builds up her self-esteem and self-worth and in the process will make Can even more attracted to her because we know he really likes this side of her.

So even though our two love birds may be trying to adjust to their new situation, this is not the end of their Love story. Perhaps like them, we just need to become more patient. They are destined lovers after all who found each other and shared a special kiss in the darkness, in the upper balcony of an auditorium on that one magical night. They still have that. Maybe their last dance reminded them of that night, as they gazed lovingly into each other's eyes. The dance, so sensual, showed them just how strong their attraction to each other still was...They spoke with their eyes and let each one know that they still were in each other hearts but they just needed some time to repair themselves before they could be together again.

Perhaps there is still hope for this love to reach epic proportions but only if...only if they can start over again...Press the Reset button and Start again. Maybe their relationship distracted them both from individually growing and finding themselves which they needed to do first before they can become the couple they were meant to be. Maybe Can needed time to find inner peace with his mother and brother, and maybe Sanem needed time to re-evaluate her own strengths and limitations to reach her own potential. And without knowing it, the space and time away from each other would actually be an important test of their love when they can come to appreciate each other for who they really are. Maybe this is the only way they can realize that they just cannot live without one another and are still destined to be together.

And with the hope that when they do come together their love will be a stronger and more mature love...one where they can "Be in love" and not "Fall in love"...one where there are no doubts, and they are confident in their love...one where they can look beyond the mistakes and the flaws and toward the beauty in their future together...and one where they will be happy in being just the way they are.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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