Episode 42: Crazy Lovers

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Heartbreak is the most painful emotion anyone can endure and every person experiencing it will react differently towards it. Some may shut down, like Sanem...while others will run away, like Can. But although it is a terrible thing to endure, heartbreak may be the very essence of being human, of being on a special journey, and coming to love deeply for what we find along the way.

In this episode our love birds show us that by letting go of their anger they can find peace within themselves and potentially overcome their Heartbreak so they can start healing their emotional wounds. In so doing, they can face one another and hopefully reignite the raging passion they have for one another and come out of it even stronger. And it all started when Can ran into the burning hut.

By him going into the fire, Sanem confronted her true feelings about Can. At first she feared that the last hurtful words that she told him, although she didn't really mean them, would actually come true...that they should both become non-existent to one other. Did he really believe what she said and hurt him so much that he would go into the fire to end his suffering? Had he also reached his darkest hour? Had he gone through the same heartbreak that she went through? Had he lost his mind to the point that now he was giving up on himself? Perhaps Sanem had also had those same tragic thoughts which had brought her to her most darkest moments. When Can was in the fire she screamed with terror and was so desperate to help him she would have also ran into the fire were it not for her loved ones that were physically holding her back. But when Can finally emerged from the fire, holding their special bandana, the truth appeared to her like an epiphany...she suddenly realized that it wasn't just her that was suffering ...Can was also heartbroken and was still holding onto a part of their love that he didn't want to ever let go...that their love meant everything to him and was worth saving. Perhaps it was not over and there was still some hope to salvage their love. This brave gesture would touch Sanem's heart so deeply that she would finally reach out to him as she knew that he needed some comforting. Although she couldn't tend to his heart, she could at least care for his physical wounds. The ointment that she made for him and applied to his skin would turn out to be a very tender moment between Can and Sanem and would help alleviate the tension around them and dissipate her anger. Anger about not reading her book, about burning her book, about leaving her. It would also serve to undo the harsh words that were spoken to each other earlier about considering the other one non-existent. Through her compassion she is able to let her guard down and be more empathetic towards him which would naturally start to heal her own heart. And the care she gave to Can and her touch would act as the emotional ointment that he needed to start healing his. The true healing would take time...there is no magic ointment for deep emotional pain. By letting go just a bit of the anger it would allow Sanem to get over her writer's block and write freely again and would allow Can to dream again, dream about a future with Sanem, a beautiful future with a beautiful family that he had always wanted with her.

To overcome their heartbreak they would have to show one another their vulnerable sides which they were able to do during their heart-to-heart moments in the forest. When Can felt comfortable enough to recite part of Sanem's book to her (albeit while she was sleeping, but nevertheless), he chose to recite the part that he connected to the most, the part about Heartbreak.

"The birds passed from the belief valley to the confrontation one. They were going to face their deepest problems there. A pain greater than all physical pain, heartache. Either it was going to settle deep in their hearts or it was going to fade and disappear in the valley. Some saw loneliness deep in their hearts, some saw the unfairness they had committed and some saw the hundreds of words that were left unsaid inside of them. The birds went through a lot of pain to pass through the valley. But everything was worth it...to know yourself, to face yourself, to continue the journey knowing what it is that you value most in life."

Can then looked to Sanem as if to say, "I also took this journey and endured this heartache and discovered that it was you who I value most in my life". Fortunately fate was on their side, and Sanem was not actually sleeping when Can recited the passage from her book and also was awake to hear him say that her book meant so much to him that he was not only reading it but memorizing every word of it. This revelation would further melt Sanem's heart.

Can and Sanem will have to go through many more heart-to-hearts and soul searching arguments to get out all of their anger and fears. But at least there is hope...a hope that will bring them one step closer to becoming the crazy legendary lovers they were always meant to be.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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