Episode 28 The Greatest Excitement

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Can was a true romantic. He believed in fairytales just as much as Sanem. And when his moonstone broke, instead of taking it as a bad omen, he took it as a sign that his life was about to change for the better. And Sanem was his Destiny. This was his only focus when he created the ring and planned his marriage proposal. So you can imagine his heartache and disappointment when Sanem didn't accept his proposal. He had poured out his heart to her. The hurt in his eyes was unbearable. Perhaps he thought breaking his moonstone had been a bad omen after all.

But Sanem did not refuse Can. She told him that she just needed more time. She was being realistic. At first, we think Sanem is making up an excuse to give herself more time to reveal the truth about giving up her perfume. But in fact Sanem didn't turn down Can's proposal because she was hiding a secret. Even if the truth was out, she still would not have necessarily accepted his proposal at this time. She was surprised that Can had even proposed to her in the first place. Her reasons for turning him down, were actually legitimate and truthful and not just an excuse. And they had nothing to do with the perfume issue. Unfortunately those reasons were still unclear to Can and had left him in the dark.

We know already that Can and Sanem come from two completely different upbringings. Can is slowly learning how Sanem's world ticks and how different it is than his. However, he still doesn't completely understand it. Also, Sanem is still having a hard time believing the strength in Can's love for her. When Sanem showed up at Can's hut to check up on him after spending the evening with Ceyda, she let her jealousy take a hold of her and unwillingly made him feel that he couldn't be trusted. Worse, she showed just how insecure she was about his love for her even after he poured out his feelings and proposed to her. On top of that, her behaviour made Can now reveal his doubts about her true feelings towards him, as she was always using her family and neighbourhood as excuses for not being able to stand up and make her own decisions. He was so frustrated in her that he even suggested that she was too young and immature for him and she should no longer give his proposal further consideration.

This was a turning point for Sanem...it wasn't enough to tell Can about her world...she needed to show him in a way that he could understand where she was coming from. And what better way to show him than to see it first hand...at her sister's engagement.

Ultimately it all boils down to one word: Traditions, gelenekler, εθιμα, tradiciones, tradizioni, Traditionen, tradisjoner, परंपराओं, 傳統, традиции
It doesn't matter where you come from or how you say it, we all have them. Whether you like them, or would rather do without them, they are a part of us as they have been handed down from generation to generation. Some traditions are more rich and elaborate while others are much more simple and toned down. But in whatever way they are practiced, they often tell a story about a family.

Although Sanem appears as a modern girl and maybe a bit rebellious at times, deep down she is a traditional girl and respects the values and traditions set by her family and the neighbourhood. She demonstrated this to Can on numerous occasions. And Can respected her for them even though he had different values and traditions of his own. But these traditions don't necessarily come to light until there is a big family event, such as a wedding, where you can really see these differences. Obviously Sanem's family is much more traditional. And in their traditions, when two people decide to get married, there are certain customs that must be done before a man can ask a woman to marry. Can was so caught up in his own world he didn't even think of her family's place in his proposal and didn't even think of the pressure he put on Sanem when asking her.
Can thought he was doing the right thing in asking her to marry him but he didn't know there was a certain protocol in doing so in her tradition.

So Sanem invites Can to the engagement as a way to show him. By letting him be a part of this special family tradition, she shows both the family and Can that she wants Can to be in her future; This is a big step for both Sanem and Can. In doing so, Sanem formally presents Can to her family as her person, her love. In doing so, She also shows Can what a wedding proposal looks like in her traditions and subtlety implies what he needs to do if he wants to marry her.

Although the engagement was for Leyla and Osman it was actually a mock trial-run for Can and Sanem's own engagement. First Sanem greets Can at the door. Sanem is looking very beautiful in her sexy short, low cut, velvet red dress. Surprisingly she chose to wear the traditional colour worn on these types of occasions rather than her sister. He is so amazed at her beauty that he is left open-mouthed. He had to cover his mouth before he said something that was really on his mind and that he might have regretted later. The dress shows off all her assets, including her beautiful legs which Can can't stop looking at. He's drawn in immediately and can't stop himself from touching and admiring her leaf necklace (since he loves trees so much). And Sanem is also flustered over how handsome Can is looking. She in return admires his star pin, (seeing as she is a star gazer, and all). They both are nervous and excited, as if it's their big day. And when Can greets her family, everyone openly welcomes him as if to say that he is accepted as Sanem's beloved. Even more lovely was that they included him in the special ritual of making and pouring the coffee for the honoured guests which made Sanem so happy and proud. And when it was time for her parents to give their answer to whether they accepted Osman's request for their daughter's hand, Can saw how this was a very difficult moment for Nihat especially after hearing his emotional plea for both his daughters to not move far away from him. And when Nihat finally agreed to giving away Leyla's hand, Can looked at Sanem to see just how much she valued her parents approval and realized that it wasn't only up to Sanem in making her decision. He finally understood the necessity of having this tradition for them as well in order for her to be truly happy.

Earlier on that day, Can had come to terms with her response to him that she needed more time and gave her reassurance that they would stay together and work through their troubles. He gave her the beautiful analogy of their worlds colliding like two quiet streams coming together and how chaotic they become at the point of where they merge, but after a while the raging waters will eventually calm and flow together again as one, just as their love will. I'm sure after the engagement ceremony, truer words were never spoken for both Can and Sanem. And hopefully for Sanem...she will have enough faith in his love for her, so that she can open up to him and be truthful about her deception to eventually calm the raging waters within her so that she and her love can finally flow beautifully together as one.

Let's hope she confesses real soon.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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