Episode 22 I Love You So Much

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"Did my heart love till now...For I never saw true beauty till this night," Romeo said the night he met Juliet. He didn't know what true love was until he met Juliet.

And those are the words Can may also have said in his mind when he first saw Sanem that night as she walked towards him in that gorgeous royal blue velvet dress looking like a goddess. He looked like he was dazed by her beauty and completely in love with her...just as much as she was with him. They both drew together like magnets...they couldn't take their eyes off of each other and didn't have a care if anyone in the room had noticed.  And they all did notice, that's for sure... It was going to be one exceptional night...a night that Sanem would not only capture the heart of her one true love, who would finally admit to both her and himself that she was his Love, but it would also be a night that she would find and discover herself.

Despite all the hard work and preparations that went into the presentation, Sanem would not be able to escape the sabatoge that was about to unfold. She knew how much this meant to Can.  It was a huge responsibility. A lot of money was at stake.  He had put his faith in her and she did not want to disappoint the company nor him especially.  So when she was up on stage and just learned that her PowerPoint presentation was deleted, gone, she couldn't just give up. When she looked over to Can who gave her a comforting look, it was all she needed to go on.  Fortunately because she had been well prepared and had the support and encouragement from Can who was not only her love but her mentor too, she found the strength and confidence to persevere. She took the misfortune and used it to her advantage and made the absence of her technical aids actually add to the meaning of the presentation... her slogan "Finding yourself" had been all about finding yourself, unplugging from technology and reconnecting oneself to nature. She took the microphone and delivered the campaign simply using the one thing she knew how to use well, her words. She actually did more than that...she surprised everyone in the room and brilliantly and eloquently executed the presentation. In so doing, she definitely personified the meaning of her very name "Sanem" (Idol, beautiful woman in Turkish). Everyone, and most importantly Can was so proud of her. It was a big step for her on a professional as well as on a personal level. Sanem believed in herself...she spread her wings and proved herself that night...and all directly in front of her one true love. ❤️

And it was also the moment of truth for Can. In a way Can also found himself....by being honest with himself...that he loved Sanem more than just friends. Having Sanem present the campaign, he was putting his faith in her....he was putting his trust in her. Trust that he had needed to feel in her again. And now he could do that with his whole heart once again ❤️ He already knew he was longing for her on a physical level. His yearning grew more and more intense especially since the sensual moment they shared when she gifted him the perfume. Although he hadn't kissed her then he was craving to do so ever since. From then on, he hinted to Sanem that she had meant more than a special friend to him. He couldn't stand her being with another suitor, like Sinan. He couldn't keep his hands off of her when he was giving her motorcycle lessons and insinuated (through motorcycle innuendos) that he was hers...always had been hers. He couldn't stay away during her mother's opening of the community centre, and couldn't stop flirting with her about flying off together to the Galapagos when they were alone in the library. Even at the office when he was under a lot of pressure about the upcoming presentation he needed her close. This was the woman he wanted to be with.  He wanted to start sharing his true feelings with her, and would send her subtle hints like telling her she was as rare as the antique camera that Jada had given him to ease her jealousy and then softly stroking her face to show his affection to her.

But although it was obvious to him, he was just not ready to say the words to her...that he wanted her and he wanted to make her his.  He may not have been ready on an emotional level, but his hunger for her physically was certainly growing in his loins, especially after their "boxing match" when Sanem took out her frustrations and jealousies on him.  He loved it...but he more-so loved play-fighting with her, tackling her to the floor...feeling her on top of him... then rolling her over to be on top of her...telling her that he never wanted their "boxing match" to ever end, insinuating their deep desire for one other. I'm guessing he liked how it felt having her underneath him...especially in that one particular position... with only a thin layer of clothing separating them.  And judging from the looks on their faces they most certainly didn't want the moment to end 🔥🔥...Ahem...And then later, when he was being interviewed by the magazine and had to describe what he looked for in his life partner, he described Sanem to a tee...all while she was sitting there, listening to him. Although the words were meant for the interview, saying them aloud was like therapy for him as he basically admitted it was her that he wanted...perhaps indirectly, but nevertheless truthfully.  And finally, during their late night work session with the team at his place, as the two of them worked together picking colours for their presentation, he secretly revealed to her - in colour code - that he loved her and that he wanted her to be his, yet somehow he was still not ready to actually tell her the words.

But the very next day, any effort left in him to remain "just friends" would be tested to the fullest degree from the moment Sanem appeared at the venue of the presentation and made her entrance.  The love he had for her did not have to be spoken, as it was clearly expressed in his eyes. Her beauty, spontaneity and charm continued to amaze him. He could no longer deny himself from her. But even more importantly, after the presentation was all said and done and Sanem had exceeded his expectations in presenting the campaign, Can felt that he could finally regain his trust in her. And so, there was now nothing in the way of telling her how he felt, straight out...even if it meant that he first had to rescue his crazy, clumsy, accident-prone Sanem that he loved so much, escape from the teeny, tiny bathroom window...which conveniently proved to be the perfect opportunity to hold her and take her into his big, strong arms...because underneath that beautiful dress she was still his same cute, adorable Sanem who he could no longer resist. It was the perfect scenario to prove that he was her Romeo and she was his Juliet. So deeply in love...He needed to have her now...And when he finally said those words to her... "Sen benim sevgilimsin" that she was his girl, his Love...he grabbed her face and gave her a hard, passionate kiss that would take her breath away... a Kiss to tell her that he couldn't wait another minute for her to know that he wanted her so desperately... a Kiss to say "You're mine", that they belonged to each other... a Kiss to say that they were always meant to be. 🥰🥰

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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