Episode 33: Make Your Decision

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"Once upon a time there lived a simple girl who fell in love with the handsome prince of the land. They got married and lived happily ever after. The end."

You'd think that Sanem is the one with simple and false notions of what the true meaning of love is as she is the one who's head is always in a fairytale land...she reads about love, writes about love, dreams about love...and yet she is the one that understands that true love depicted in these stories don't represent reality and that real love is much more complicated. Ironically it is in fact our handsome prince, Can who wanted to believe that their romance was a fairy tale. During the cooking lesson, Can revealed that he felt betrayed because Sanem gave away the "magic" in their relationship. This shows that he truly believed their love was a fairytale and by her giving away the perfume, she was giving away the magic formula that created their love which in his mind essentially destroyed any chance for a happy ending.

Can had thought he knew what true love was all about. But as soon as there was a problem in his Love nest, he dealt with it in the only way he knew how...to end it. This proved that he really only wanted the kind of love that existed in fairytales and story books he read that romanticize love, like "Letters to Milena" for example ...and didn't want to reject this fantasy. He wanted the kind of love where there was no relationship tension, just constant happiness and a "happily ever after". The kind of love that doesn't need forgiveness. But he will never find this love in real life because it just doesn't exist. He had never experienced true love before Sanem, and was deprived as a child from even witnessing it with his parents so he didn't understand that conflict is also a part of love and not outside of love. His parents ended their relationship because they could not resolve their conflict so he doesn't know how else to deal with it. Even though he had told Sanem many times that they should never leave each other, he never really understood the notion of unconditional love...that true love is a place where there is a permanent sense of connection with someone else, regardless of what happens.

When Can told the story of the two cooks during the cooking lesson, he revealed how hurt he was about Sanem giving away their magic formula. But it was also a chance to hear himself out. Perhaps saying those words out loud made him finally realize just how silly and unrealistic his views were. The master chef certainly affirmed it when he told him that the "separation was a mistake as they missed the chance of making many more wonderful recipes together". And if those words weren't enough, hearing his brother's wise words repeat in his head again, that if he had truly loved Sanem, he would have given her a bit of understanding. This really opened his eyes and made him realize that it was Sanem that was the magic that he truly loved about their relationship, and not the perfume at all. He had put too much importance on the perfume and very little on what really mattered...her Love. Seeing her emotional and using the excuse of the onions triggered his memory back to their special sensual moments "cooking together", and reminded him of how much he missed loving her and being together with her as a real couple should...and realized just how much he wanted that love back. As Mevkibe said, "it's so hard to find your one true love so if you find them you cannot just let them go because if you do it means that you never found them in the first place." And he knew in his heart that he had definitely found true love in Sanem.

Can finally realized that there was much more to this love than he had first understood and that perhaps he was too quick to end things with Sanem. He was finally ready to talk...and didn't want to waste another minute thinking about it. After all, he sensed that their attraction to each other was still very much in tact... especially after she purposefully flaunted her hourglass body in that sexy little yellow dress in front of him just that morning. He still wanted her and he could see she still very much wanted him. Once he made up his mind, her feistiness was certainly not going to get in his way even if he had to pick her up, throw her over his shoulder and haul her off to do it. Maybe it's not the way it's done in fairytales but it's just as romantic nonetheless...he certainly swept her off her feet in Can Divit style. And hopefully he's not too late to make this love story into the real-life fairy tale that we all so desperately want it to be. ❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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