Episode 50 A Great Love - Passionate Albatross (Part 3)

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When Can took Sanem on an island adventure he wanted to surprise her and impress her to show her his romantic side. His amnesia had put such an emotional strain on the both of them that he wanted to add some fun and excitement to lighten things up.  Not to mention, it was a perfect opportunity for our two lovebirds to bond.

Can had finished reading Sanem's novel about their love story and was starting to realize why he had fallen for her even without his memories of her. He was curious about her and the magic they made together, and wanted it back in his life. But he also understood how Sanem was losing patience with him and he was afraid she was going to give up on him. He needed to show her that she was very special to him and that he truly wanted to connect with her.  He needed to convince her to stay and be patient with him as he regained his memories so they could pick up where they left off... and maybe, just maybe, he could even steal a magic kiss.

That night on the island when Sanem asked Can what part in her book stood out for him the most, without a second thought he responded, that it was the part when he revealed to her that he was her Albatross. Perhaps he chose this part because something in him truly longed to be her beloved Albatross again. Even though he couldn't explain how or why, he was drawn to her and needed to be with her...there was just something about her that made him feel whole.

This is the essence of the Albatross, the beautiful feathered giant which feels love so intensely that even though it spends an insurmountable amount of time in the sky, mates for life, remaining faithful to his partner instinctively and always coming back to her. Which is why Sanem idolizes this bird and associates it with her ideal dream man, a man whose love for her is unwavering and will love her unconditionally.

Having said that, let's go back to the Island scene and stretch our imaginations. Perhaps there was more going on there than meets the eye. If you take a closer look, you will see beyond Can and Sanem's comedic banter...and also see a pair of Albatrosses performing their ritual mating dance on that beautiful island of love.


Can and Sanem flew over the crystal blue waters, playfully bumping into each other and taking in the fresh clean sea air. It was mating season, and the Albatross lovebirds were nesting on a remote oceanic island near the Galapagos. Sanem swooped down ahead of Can and skimmed the refreshing cool water with her feet. She stopped and floated towards a rocky alcove near a sandy beach caressed by tiny waves. Can landed beside her and she laughed, allowing him to drift towards her enticing body to begin their mating dance.

They paddled towards the beach and stopped at the perfect spot where they dug into the warm soft sand and then laid their Albatross egg together (and you thought that was a sandcastle Sanem was building). The lovebirds preened one another, and nestled in close since both would play a role in incubating. His wing brushed hers and she leaned forward, her warm breath in his ear. As his lips gently touched her slender neck, her face heated. His nose tickled her ear. Can chuckled and drew her in to his moist lips. Just then, she ruffled her feathers, and snapped out of her trance. She was still mad at him for not feeling her in his heart, so she wouldn't let his charm win her over just yet. She waddled over to the other side of the beach and suggested they should leave the island.  But Can's determination to be alone with her, with no interruptions, would bring out the little rascal in him causing him to make up a story that they had no choice but to settle there for the night. The courtship was not over just yet. It seemed holding her captive was an innate trait of his. But Sanem didn't let her scepticism ruin Can's plans as she too, deep down, didn't mind his possessiveness and wanted to be courted by him (but obviously she didn't let him know that).

Later on, Can and Sanem showed off their skills to each other to prove they each were the other's best possible mate to create the strongest healthiest chicks. Sanem showed off her assets and luring skills to attract a school of fish, giving her the opportunity to demonstrate her abilities, at the very least, to find and share food. In the meantime, Can showed off his building skills in preparing their love-nest, and then later built a fire and prepared the food showing off his cooking skills. Afterwards, Can proceeded to woo Sanem by offering her some wine that he had brought along... taking full advantage of her weakness and hoping that she would soon surrender to him. The mating dance would continue into the night as Sanem, who had gotten herself completely drunk, would perform the Albatross dance to her not-so-sleepy mate in an attempt to seduce him and persuade him to "dance with her". Her dance involved a sequence of moves, rapidly circling, head dips and bill clacking, and a call to "seal the deal", an important courtship ritual of the Albatrosses. And yet, although she would succeed in luring her Albatross to dance with her, she wouldn't remember any of it...including her very own confession about how grateful she was that he had at least survived the accident and that nothing else mattered ... letting him see that deep down, underneath it all his amnesia was not the end for her...that she wasn't giving up on him. Can could now make sense of the grudge she was holding against him. Most importantly she still loved him without a doubt, but was battling with her own fears and insecurities. Her confession would mean more to him than anything else because it would give him hope for them and encourage him to continue their dance of love. After all, this is exactly what the Albatrosses do.

The following day, the lovebirds woke up nestled in each other's wings in their love nest. They were at peace with one another after opening up to each other and spending the night together. Their mating dance was not quite done though. They had still not reached the climax of their dance. Not surprisingly, it would be performed in the most thrilling of ways possible, and very typical of Can and Sanem...They spread their wings and then pattered across the waters's surface together.  And finally, in a spectacular courtship display, Can rears up and bows over the back of Sanem, making passionate love the way all lovebirds do as they rode off into the sunset.  🥰🥰
A promise for a hopeful future was definitely on the horizon, just as they dreamed...

"If I have a lover one day, we'll land on the wing of an albatross and love each other purposefully"

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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