Episode 47: A Brand New Adventure

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If you thought that after all this time, this amazing story has been just a journey to find love between two very different people, you have been mistaken. This is no ordinary journey...This is an epic ODYSSEY! And the only other Odyssey I'm familiar with is the one written by the famous Ancient Greek poet, Homer and his was no walk in the park either.

With all the nods to mythological stories and legends that Erkenci Kus has brought to us, there is no question that this is where the writers are taking us. An odyssey is a long, complicated journey, often a quest for a goal, and may be a spiritual or psychological journey as well as an actual voyage. In Homer's Odyssey, the hero of that classic, Odysseus, spends ten years traveling home by ship after spending ten years fighting in the Trojan War. He has astonishing adventures and learns a great deal about himself and the world. He even descends to the underworld.

In Erkenci Kus, the goal of this Odyssey is ultimately Pure Love and Commitment. And for Can and Sanem, despite the beautiful reconciliation in this last episode, in the grand scheme of this Pure Love, they have yet to achieve it...They still have issues to resolve. Sanem is not completely happy, and consequently neither is Can. And only when they are truly happy, will they be able to live their love with all their hearts.

So just when Can and Sanem thought that they could now "sail off into the sunset" to start a new life together, life threw them a curve and sent them on a different kind of adventure than the one they had planned. An adventure that would become the ultimate test of their faith in their love, forcing them to take a hard look at their relationship, independent of their memories. And an adventure that would take them through a dark and scary place...Amnesia. In Homer's Odyssey, this was Hell. But just as in that classic tale, our hero and heroin will undoubtedly find their way back to each other once again to prove that this is no ordinary love. That it is truly legendary. And if you have any doubts, I ask you to think about those beautiful words Can had told Sanem about their first encounter.

"That night...when I hadn't even seen your face...the night we met for the first time...the night that changed my life, in the fog while I was sailing like a ship without sails and a rudder. There are some things in life that will never change...do you understand?"

I think we all understand now. We have come full circle. It doesn't matter what life throws at our two lovers. The truth of the matter is that they are each other's destiny, and as always they will find each other again, even in the most unimaginable circumstances.

Have faith sisters and sit tight! The greatest adventure has just begun.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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