Episode 43 Scene: Whispers by the dockside

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True Love never freezes

Water lapped under the wooden dock and splashed up against the pilings. Sanem loved the sound as she walked along that night, gazing out into the sea. The full moon had shone on the dark water and illuminated the ripples. Like every evening, she went there to take her medicine and escape for a little while. There was something about the sea, especially at night when it was quiet, where she felt safe to confess her secrets to it. But this particular night the sea breeze and her medicine were not making her feel better. Her conflicting thoughts of Can were making her anxious and worried. She just couldn't understand him. Just when she thought she started to, he went and did something that confused her again. She knew she must have still meant something to him. He certainly wouldn't have run into the fire to save her bandana if she hadn't meant anything to him. But then why did he not care that Yigit proposed to her? To even have encouraged him to do so. How could he just let her go like that? It just didn't make any sense. Or was Muzzo right, Can just didn't know how to express himself. But then again, why should she care...he was going to leave eventually. He was only there because of his father anyway...and also because his boat broke down. Or were those just excuses to cover up another reason for staying? He was just so hard to read. Ahh, she didn't know what to think.

After her nightly ritual, she decided to head back to the house. She had just passed the boat house when out of nowhere she saw Can walking up the pathway towards her. She quickly ducked behind the bushes that lined the pathway to hide from him. Can was so preoccupied with his thoughts he didn't even notice her as he walked past. He continued to walk along the dock. Sanem peeked around the corner of the boat house and saw him sitting there, on the edge of the dock, in the same spot she had been sitting just moments earlier, leaning back on his hands and looking out into the dark sea. She was curious to know what he was doing there...was he thinking about her? Had he come to the dock to look for her? Seeing him there sitting by the waters edge brought her back to the time she had caught him at the rocks after she had rejected him that first time long ago. He looked just as melancholic as he did back then. The sea had been his friend, his confidant, just as it was for her. And he was confiding to it. The same way she had done so every night since he had left. She was certain of it. Would the sea reveal her secrets to him? Suddenly she felt a release of built up emotions and a feeling of relief overcame her. The tears sprung from her eyes with a new sense of hope. Surely he must have been upset that Yigit proposed to her, why else would he have been there? Perhaps he still wanted her. Perhaps she still mattered to him. Perhaps he still loved her. She could still hope. She gazed at him longingly. Her heart went out to him...hoping that her love would reach him and comfort him...hoping that he would sort out his feelings and build up his courage to fight for their love.

"If he were to turn around, he would have seen that there was someone waiting for him, who was the wind beneath his wings, the cure to his heart, the solution to his problems. But he did not look."

She would have done anything to know what was going through his mind, and she stayed up all night, watching him and wondering. She recalled another time when they had been trying to find their way back to each other. It was during the night when Can had taken her to the mountains and they had got lost and stumbled across a vacant cabin which they broke into, to seek shelter for the night. They talked a lot that night but they couldn't resolve their problems. Just before falling asleep, he had asked her something that always stayed with her. He asked "if we were to freeze here, and stayed frozen like ice and then they found us years later and brought us back to life, do you think we would remember each other? Or do you think our memories would freeze as well?" And she had responded "True love never freezes. True love melts down the ice. But only if it's true love".

Just then she felt a light touch, perhaps a breeze, passing through her hair...no, they were fingers, gently gliding over her forehead, moving stray strands of hair that had fallen over her face. She sensed a warm presence around her. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by the most handsomeness prince. It was Can. The man of her dreams. He had crouched down in front of her, his face inches from her face, his eyes were sparkling in the morning sun. He was gazing at her, smiling. She smiled shyly, utterly smitten and wondering if she was still dreaming. She gazed at him, intoxicated by his beauty. "What are you doing here?" he asked her, in the most sultry yet tender voice she missed so dearly. Suddenly, reality set in and she realized this was no dream and she'd been discovered. She jumped to her feet immediately and tried to redeem herself with the first story that entered her mind.

"Uh, I, uh...I wanted to check on a friend of mine and leave", she said stumbling towards the shore, forcing herself to wake and trying to sound logical.
"What friend, Sanem?" He asked bewildered.
"I have this friend," Sanem said gesturing to the sea. "He went out...took a dive into the sea...to swim...but he didn't come out though. Maybe he drowned!" She was flustered.
"Your friend?" Can asked, confused as he looked out into the sea.
"Yes", She paused and thought for a moment, and then gasped. "But wait, it's not the right season. Maybe he froze!...Maybe I froze! And you froze too! Maybe we all froze!" Sanem quickly ran off to save herself from sounding like she had completely gone mad.

But Can would see right through her. And as he watched her run off it all dawned on him. The old Can was the friend that got lost at sea. Yes, he may have drowned, or he may have even frozen but he knew one thing...that his memory of their love was still beating loudly in his heart. True love would save him. It would save them both. There was no denying it, despite her tough exterior, Sanem still cared about him, deeply. She had stayed near him all night while he was feeling lost and confused because she was just as lost and confused as him. And he still mattered to her. They both still wanted each other but they just didn't know how to fix things. But at least there was hope. True love never freezes. True love would melt the ice and would find a way to bring them back together again...because their love was indeed a True Love. ❤️❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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