Episode 29 Like a Fairytale

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I'm sure you will agree that Erkenci Kus has certainly turned out to be one epic story.  In fact, this series has all the key elements to becoming a great classic love story of its own kind and should be appreciated for it's artistic expression of love, life, and truth incorporating symbolism and analogies that further add to the beauty of the story.  Part of the appeal is the usage of classic themes and characters that parallel some of the great myths, legends and folklore given to us from the great classics written long ago that gave people meaning to the world they saw around them. These stories have given us a better understanding of the characters and their predicaments. Stories like the one that Sanem told from mythology about Artemis and Orion helped us understand Sanem's predicament as she described the great huntress Artemis who was tricked into shooting an arrow that killed her great love Orion. The legend of the Amber stone that Can told helped us understand Can's predicament in trying to find his way back to his love after he had been sent off-course. Sanem also tells us of the legend of the Bride Rock at Agva which later helps us understand Sanem's decision, in her attempt to forget Can after Polen comes back to him, to stand firmly as a rock...just as the bride in the story did after giving up on her love who never came back to her. Another story that helped express Can's love for Sanem was when he told her the ancient Egyptian legend of the origins of the wedding ring and how he wanted her to always feel the closeness of his heart.
One story that was not told but we were prompted to think about, was when CeyCey received a mysterious box from his homeland just before Can first learned of Sanem's betrayal. The box symbolized Pandora's box, (see my analysis for episode 16: It's Over) which helped us further understand Sanem's predicament and how she was used as a pawn by Emre and Aylin for their evil purposes, just as Pandora was used.

All these tales not only add to the beauty of this story, they help us relate to the characters and further connect us to the greater story in EK.  They help us understand the complexities happening behind the simple love story...complexities that involved lying, betrayal and deceit. And that if our two beloved protagonists do not face their problems and overcome their own weaknesses then this story will end just as tragic as some of the stories that we were told along the way, rather than the beautiful and happy ending that they so deserve.

In this last episode, Can has come to a turning point. After learning that everyone close to him, including Deren, Emre, Sanem, and even his own father (if what his mother was telling was the truth), were all keeping secrets from him he felt betrayed again and for the first time in a long time, alone. He might have wondered what other information they were keeping from him. Perhaps with all these revelations Can is doubting his own wisdom and expertise and questioning his ability to make good judgements. He's upset at himself for being so blinded by his love that he didn't see it for himself. Perhaps he has lost confidence in himself. Can is a good person who has strong morals, and being open and honest is very important to him. This is what he expects from the people who he is close with to be towards him. He believed in the integrity of everyone around him and that they were sincere in their efforts to help him and help the company move forward. And by them not being up front with him and revealing the truth this led to a chain reaction that caused further detrimental consequences that could have been avoided and not put the company in a such a vulnerable state. And now he has lost faith and trust in these very people. Moreover even though it was satisfying for Can to watch the downfall of his enemy, it was bitter sweet as he felt the sting from what Fabri had made Sanem do. It wasn't only giving away her scent to Fabri that hurt him...What hurt him even more was that she didn't feel secure enough in their love to be honest with him to tell him herself which adds even more doubts about her love for him.

And so, a happy ending in this love story can only happen when they both learn to believe in themselves and have faith in their Love, even at a time when it's difficult to see it... Agreed, a very difficult thing to do on both sides especially now, as Can finds out that Sanem deceived him yet again, and Sanem finds Can allowing Polen back into his life.

But sometimes it takes adversity to test our love to see the magnitude of its strength.  So hopefully, with a dose of patience and kindness, they will give each other the opportunity to listen, understand and ultimately forgive one another. Because that's what true love is all about.

And only then will this love story become a real fairytale where Can and Sanem together can live happily ever after.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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