Episode 11 Scene: Albatross Reveal

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Scene: The Albatross of the Opera

There was a party at Can's, but he was in no mood to party. He had escaped to his bedroom to be alone because the one person he wanted to see was not there...Sanem. He was feeling anxious and disheartened. Guliz had just informed him that she had changed her mind about coming after she misinformed her that Polen was moving in with him. Not only was he upset at the tremendous misunderstanding but also at the realization that no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that they could never be together. He wondered why the universe was so against them. Even after everything he went through, when he thought he had finally captured her heart, she slipped right through his fingers, yet again, just like all the other times when they were just getting close. She gave up on him without even a fight. He felt he was cursed to ever have her. He desperately needed to talk to her. Apparently, according to Guliz, she had decided to go and help CeyCey instead who was working at the Opera House that night. His heart went out to her as she must have felt incredibly hurt and humiliated. He didn't want her to give up on him. They were not finished. They hardly even started and he was so starved of the love he craved.

Can picked up his phone, but all he could do was stare at her number on the screen. He couldn't bring himself to make the call. How would he be able to explain what had transpired. Why couldn't she have trusted him that he was telling her the truth. He wondered what words he could possibly say to convince her that he truly loved her and only wanted to be with her, and not anyone else... without the risk of scaring her away as she was so sensitive and naive. He may have already intimidated her. If only there was a way for her to see things differently...Sadly he was lost for words and could not think of anything logical to say. He would just have to get used to being alone. Frustrated with himself and not knowing what else to do, he tossed his phone onto his bed in disappointment and started to walk away...

Just then, he heard the ringtone from his phone...a text. He held his breath and went back to pick it up.

It was from Sanem ❤️❤️
And only one word...

"Keske" [If only]

He looked at that word and a grin crept onto his face. It appeared to him, somewhat as an epiphany....
"Sometimes logic goes beyond reason", he remembered Sanem telling him once. There was a way out of this predicament, after all. And the answer he had been searching for had been there all along. It lied buried in his soul...almost forgotten, but now gave him hope. And It was time to take a leap of faith and let it out to attract the attention of his desired mate. It was the spirit of his Albatross.

Perhaps Sanem being misinformed about Polen was not entirely a bad thing. In fact, it would play an integral role in the larger plan. Fate had sent Sanem to the Opera House that night, the same place where they had first met, when he was her Albatross and she, his Angel. She was there now, undoubtedly yearning for her Albatross and perhaps him too, sending him her secret... that she wished only one thing...that he was her Albatross. He was sure of it.

Can then realized that the time had come for Sanem's Albatross to make his appearance, and to take off his mask to reveal himself to her...to show her that he was not an enigma, a figment of her imagination or some Phantom in an Opera House that was inside her mind... that he was actually a real life man, flawed and complex, who had fallen so deeply in love with her and had longed for them to be together. The time had come to show her that he too was just as captivated with her since the moment their souls collided and shared a kiss that ignited a passion he had never felt before. It was time to be brave and show her that her Romantic hero, her Albatross, had always been him, even way before they met...the one and the same...
Can Divit 🥰🥰

Suddenly he felt excited. As he stared at her message on his phone, he felt like every fiber of his being was vibrating with anticipation. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins. His hands trembled and his eyes were wide with excitement. He glowed from the inside out.
He knew exactly what he needed to do.
It was time to make both their dreams come true.
And it would start with a déjà vu...

Can walked over to his closet and quickly changed into the ensemble he wore that magical night. The same tux and dress shoes that he had previously felt so uncomfortable wearing, had now become the treasured outfit he would proudly wear again to impress his Angel and present himself to her as her beloved Albatross. As he added the final touch to his ensemble, his Albatross necklace, which he laid delicately over the front of his shirt, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and before his very own eyes watched himself transform into the man who he truly wished to be...Sanem's Albatross.

He glided down the hallway towards the front door in a dream-like state, oblivious to everyone in a house full of people...he was on a mission to meet his Angel and paid no attention to what anyone thought of him. On the drive to the Opera House, all he could think about was Sanem. He loved the way she made him feel...both in body and mind. He thought of how much she awakened his senses to living and loving ever since they met, and that all he wanted was to be doing it with her. He yearned to hold her body close to him, smell her scent from her neck, taste her honey lips. He couldn't stop thinking of their intimate encounter in the ocean just a couple days earlier and longed to feel that closeness with her again. He pressed on the gas a bit more to get there faster.

When he arrived he parked in the back alleyway of the grand auditorium. He banged on the back entrance door, ready to break it down from his excitement, and just as he thought that he had missed them, to his immense relief CeyCey answered the door. Can muttered an excuse as to why he had come and then quickly dismissed him after being informed of Sanem's location. After CeyCey left, Can went directly to the main switch light box and turned off all the lights to the auditorium. At that moment, he heard Sanem call out for CeyCey, and smiled. Her voice echoed from the balcony, right where he expected her to be. Then he only turned the red emergency lights back on so that there would be just enough light for Sanem to see him...which would also reflect the colour of his mood ❤️❤️ He quickly made his way to the staircase that led to the balcony D2 and ran up the stairs with excitement. When he reached the top of the stairs he could see directly into the balcony through the entrance as the thick, heavy, mahogany drapes had been pushed aside. He stopped in his tracks and stood there for a moment. From the darkness came a white glow. He saw Sanem and their eyes met. The light, it seemed, was coming from her. She was standing in the exact same place he remembered on that unforgettable night...and she took his breath away. He admired her beauty. She looked exceptionally stunning. Her white dress showed off her beautiful toned body and her hair was swept up on top of her head in a bounty of romantic curls while soft cascading tendrils framed her face. She truly looked like an angel. He saw her eyes widen with surprise as she looked at him not sure what was happening. He then approached her with desire and anticipation.

When he reached her, he smiled and said, "You wrote 'Keske', I was curious to know the rest of your sentence". His eyes desperately searched hers...waiting for her reaction. She became overwhelmed with emotion as she took him in, but still had not recognized his true identity...And then, she dropped her eyes to the floor. As she timidly repeated his words in her angelic voice "Keske" her eyes caught sight of his shoes. With a surprise gasp she looked back up at Can's face. It was obvious that his shoes gave him away. There was a moment where her face washed blank with confusion, her brain couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. Every muscle of her body just froze and he could see in her face that it all started to register...then it finally became crystal clear to her. His mask had finally been lifted. She caught her breath and blinked her eyes to fully take him all in and understand what was actually happening. She was speechless. She had let him in on her secret but, he surprised her with an even bigger one of his own. And he was so happy and relieved to have finally let his out. As he put his arms around her and drew her in closer he could feel her body shiver, assuring him that this was really happening and it was even better than his dreams. Her arms curled up and lay nestled in his chest. He gazed at her lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness before sparking with something else. His gaze fell onto her lips, those sweet lips that had enchanted him, and he couldn't wait a moment longer. He felt his heart beat faster and faster. At last, he leaned forward to capture her lips in his and gave her a kiss that he had been longing to give her. And at his lips' touch she blossomed like a flower and responded with just as much longing and intensity. He felt her release her tension and melt in his arms. The kiss was long, fiery and filled with even more desire and passion than he remembered...because it was Sanem...his Sanem. He felt a rush of euphoric warmth that quickly spread throughout his entire body. It was a kiss of pure bliss that marked a new beginning, and a promise of an everlasting love.

The real Albatross was home.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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