Episode 21 Inseparable Couple: The Perfume Scene, Sanem's Gift to Can

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After watching the perfume scene, dare I ask, "Was it good for you?" This was such a romantic and sensual scene, I'm surprised there was no warning message for mature content before it started.

In this scene, Sanem offers a beautiful gift of fragrance to Can but during her presentation you kind of had to wonder, was the fragrance the gift, or was it actually something else? 😉

In this scene, we finally get to witness Sanem take out her most powerful tools in her arsenal and use them to her advantage to make Can realize they are much more than just friends and to remind him of their crazy passion and why he's so madly in love with her. By doing this she also conveys to him her deep desire for him as well. With only a drop of this magic scent that she managed to harness in a bottle, along with her sensual and creative use of language she is able to brilliantly and eloquently seduce her man.  And oh how very successful she was at doing so, might I add!  Even more than what she even expected. Without using any provocative wording they're able to communicate their desire for one another so clearly and beautifully.  But before getting into those hidden innuendos and insinuations behind the seduction let's talk about Sanem's secret weapon, the fragrance that she created just for him and this special flower from which it came from.

Sanem is essentially a perfumer... an expert in creating perfumes using plants and flowers in particular.  In the perfume business this expert is fondly referred to as a "Nose" due to their fine sense of smell (which would perfectly explain all those nose bumps and caresses, don't you think?) Although she may not be a professional, she's no amateur as Sanem understands what ingredients it takes to create her magic potion that will drive her man wild. And the primary ingredient is this special flower, the underground violet.

Flowers in general bring so much beauty to the world. They have long been admired and used to bring colour and fragrance among many other uses. Their real purpose though is quite wonderful. A flower, otherwise known as a bloom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. Makes you wonder if the fascination with them is merely primal. Maybe that's why in many cultures around the world there is a tendency to associate flowers with love and romance. Having said that, what better way for Sanem to seduce her man than to use the flower in their Language of Love, to ignite his passion and longing for her and take them straight out of the friend-zone.

When Sanem tells Can the qualities of this special flower, the underground violet, she innocently confronts his denial about their relationship and cleverly awakens his deep love and passion for her. Knowing how much Can loves literature and poetry and is always open to hearing her stories, she appeals to his sensitive and romantic side by using the flower as a metaphor to describe to him the way she sees him. She chose this flower because it best resembles Can. Perhaps this reminds him of just how well she knows him and how close he actually let her get which is why he is so intrigued. And by her having a hand in creating this fragrance that represents him, this arouses him even more.

When she first presents the fragrance he is curious to know if it was made from herbs.  Of course he guessed herbs because herbs typically have a more masculine scent. But she tells an intrigued Can that she actually made it from one rare flower, the Underground Violet which would signify its higher value than fragrances made from other, more common herbs or flowers...just as rare and as valuable as Can was to her. Sanem refers to the flower as "nameless" even though it has a name because it is not easily describable...just as no name or words could possibly describe the complexity of his character nor the extent of how much he means to her.

She then looks him in the eyes and and gently tells him the flower is "...unique, and rarely seen and it was a miracle to have even discovered it as it can hide underground indefinitely". But as she is describing the flower, she is actually referring to the side of him that is free-spirited and a wanderer who prefers to be alone which would make their encounter even more remarkably unexpected and serendipitous...as if Destiny had brought them together.  She goes on to say that "the flower may look very strong but the stem is actually very fragile" insinuating that Can may appear confident and strong on the outside, but has a much softer, more gentler side to him that can get hurt very easily and needs to be handled very delicately.  Having once betrayed his trust, she certainly learned just how sensitive this side truly was.

She then moved in closer with just the right look of heat in her eyes. But she didn't just look at him, as she spoke she looked into him as if she knew his desires. She went on to say "The flower may come out from the ground to bloom in the spring but will only reveal itself to someone who has seen its colour and catch its scent," What she means is that Can's love is hidden deep within him but can be drawn out by someone who truly sees him and understands him for who he is...and to love and desire him for all that he is.  At this point, she puts a single drop of the special perfume oil on her hand for him to smell, and once he does he is dazed by its fragrance and realizes the secret that lies within it...that she is his light, his energy source that makes his heart bloom.  Just as she brought out the colour and smell of the flower as the perfumer, she also has brought out Can's love and passion, as his Sanem. She then runs her hand along the pulse point on the back of his neck to kick its diffusion into high gear. As her magic potion is emanated the scent surrounds them both and puts Can under her spell.  His movements simulate a flower rising and tilting towards the sun, unfolding its petals to unveil its inner beauty until at last it stands erect in front of her. You can tell the spring mating season is near as the heat is rising between the two lovers by their noticeably flushed cheeks.

In response to her seductive words, Can plays along and asks her just as seductively in a low, husky voice, "Did you see its colour?"...and then "Did you catch its scent?" In other words, he wanted her to know that he understood her hidden messages behind her words...to which she firmly states that she did. Then, as he surrenders to her seductive powers using just the right play on words which conjures up other hidden meanings, he responds by saying much to her delight, "Did you understand that it came out to surface just for you?", letting her know that she was the reason that he had bloomed... that she was the one that aroused him...that she had brought out his passion and his deep desire which also confirmed his romantic love for her... ❤️❤️ Sanem thought she would be the one doing the enlightening but in the end, Can had surprised her by giving her a little enlightenment of his own. She could hardly maintain her composure as she told him that she understood him. By her stating that, not only does she convey that she is fully aware of his passion for her but that she reciprocates it and they are both sent into wild ecstasy. 🔥🔥

During this very intimate conversation Can is occasionally checking to ensure that they are alone as they are growing more and more aroused and their body temperatures are rising. He teasingly caresses her nose with his a few times, and softly whispers his questions into her ear. And just as he is completely focused on her inviting lips, he leans in to fulfill his longing and desire...

But just as the intensity of their attraction reached its climax, they would suffer an abrupt and unwelcome interruption. To our dismay, before their lips would even touch...out of nowhere...a CeyCey swoops in and scares them away to ruin yet another perfectly romantic CANEM moment!!!

Ah CeyCey Ah!!!

Too bad we couldn't have just shoo'd him away! Our love birds are cheated again from enjoying their moment to the fullest as this would prove not to be the right time nor the place to reconnect. Although the passion did get quite intense that even CeyCey could feel it's thickness in the air as he unknowingly walked in on them, perhaps the interruption was meant to be. As if this moment was not poetic enough for them, remember Sanem also offered Can a beautiful poem to accompany her gift, written on a scroll describing her love for him in their Language of Love. Hence, the interruption actually made way for another romantic moment to happen...While Can read the poem they gazed at one another from across the hall and into the office, prolonging their yearning for each other for a little while longer, to remind us that this romantic attraction is not just any attraction, but a slow burn after all. Nevertheless, Sanem's plan worked in holding Can's attention and gave him a taste of her sensual side.  Our sweet, innocent and brilliant Sanem may no longer be as "innocent" as Can had once thought... but after this sensual encounter I don't think it bothered him one bit. 😉

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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