Episode 36 "My heart, my other half, my everything"

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"In my opinion you don't need to go anywhere, stay close to me, I'll take care of your heart too" ❤️

Those beautiful heartfelt words that Can said to Sanem that magical night when he finally revealed to her he was her Albatross....the night when Sanem's feelings for Can, the Man collided with Can, her Albatross, her dream man, and sparked a fairy tale love story into real life. And although he did make it hard for her at times, she did do just that. She did stay close to him throughout the good times as well as the hardships because she had faith in him and faith in their love even though at times he didn't. She gave him the time and space when he needed it...and also came near to him when he needed it. She knew this love was special and worth fighting for...She truly believed that he would eventually take care of her heart even though she had to guide him and show him how to do it.  So in the end, little did Can realize when he said those words to Sanem that by her staying close to him, it would be her that would be taking care of his heart too. ❤️❤️

But even though they have been through the rough phases of their relationship and now have proclaimed their wish to be married, they have yet to deal with their own insecurities which hinders them from being fully relaxed and confident in their relationship. A kind of insecurity that brings fears and irrational thoughts that make you think you are not good enough. And an engagement ring on Sanem's finger will not necessarily stop these insecurities from happening for both Sanem and Can.

Sanem is insecure that Polen will always hold a special place in Can. She has never had a long term relationship before and doesn't understand that past relationships stay a part of a person and shape them into the person who they become. It comes with the territory. Can's mother certainly thought that Polen was the perfect choice and tried in vain to get him to realize it, making Sanem feel even more insecure in that she wasn't good enough for her son. But what hasn't sunk in yet is that it took her love to make Can realize what was missing in his life with Polen, and that to Can, Polen pales in comparison to her. And thankfully Can realized this and reassures her exactly where his love lies.

But even more insecure than Sanem, is Can. Despite everything that has happened, he is still not completely confident in her love for him, and fears he will lose her. He didn't like it when Sanem was spending less time with him and hated it even more that it was with Yigit. He is still jealous, and showing signs of possessiveness to the point that he feels that if he doesn't hold tight he will lose her... and scared that she could possibly choose someone else over him. Even though Sanem reassured Can of her love towards him, these feelings leads him to act out all kinds of jealous and insecure behaviours with Sanem. We saw how Can started giving Sanem the cold shoulder in hopes she would show interest in his feelings. He acted hurt by her having to turn down going out for lunch with him so that she feels guilty and remorseful. He even scolded her about making plans, putting pressure on her about where she can and cannot go, what she can and cannot do. All of these behavior patterns have a lot more to do with Can rather than with Sanem. And perhaps most of them stem from his childhood and his relationship with his mother. His deep-seeded feelings that he will be rejected makes him worried and not trusting. This makes him act clingy and overly dependent with Sanem. By repeating behaviours from his childhood and acting on his insecurities, this could potentially push Sanem away in the process if he's not upfront with her about his vulnerabilities. Luckily Sanem is understanding and sees through all this and reacts to it with love and reassurance which is exactly what he needs.

Perhaps Can is not totally responsible for these insecurities.  Perhaps he is subconsciously acting the same way his mother was acting towards him. During a heart to heart moment with his mother, she showed him his baby mittens to share a memory with him and told him how she would put them on him when he was just a little baby to prevent him from scratching himself. Although it may have been an endearing moment, perhaps it metaphorically reveals her hidden agenda...just as the mittens were worn to prevent him from hurting himself, she feels she needs to continue to manipulate Can to protect him from what she believes will hurt him. In other words, by steering Can towards Polen and discouraging his relationship with Sanem, she truly believes she is doing what's best for him and preventing him from what she thinks will be a mistake. She is also being clingy and doesn't know when to let go and let Can make his own decisions in life. But Can is not a baby anymore and has learned without his mother's influence what's really important and what he really needs in his life.  And he has learned it all through Sanem, who has stood by him all along. 

By trusting and having faith in their love and each other they will overcome these insecurities and just as two halves make a whole, they will complete each other and have a strong and everlasting love.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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