Episode 30 There is no one like you

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By the end of this episode, this series was looking more like a classic tragedy rather than a romantic-comedy. And as you know from classic literature, a tragedy is when the hero of the story, usually a man of great importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster because of his own personal flaws as well as unavoidable circumstances. And this is certainly what's happening to the hero from our story.

Can was an educated and worldly man but when it came to knowing the complexities of true unconditional and everlasting love, he proved to be very naïve and inexperienced. Accepting Sanem back into his life after the first time she betrayed him was easier for him to do because she had been victimized and manipulated into deceiving him. Now he is faced with the true test, and his faith in their love is unclear and now wavering. He feels he has lost his trust in Sanem yet again after finding out she gave away the one thing that meant everything to him, her scent, and hid the truth from him, willingly. And even more disturbing was by her not confessing, she appeared complacent about it, having no regard for his feelings. Now he feels he has no choice but to give up on their love because he could never forgive her...this showed Sanem that despite everything they had been through, he wasn't ready for what it took to achieve real unconditional love.

But Can's reaction to Sanem's betrayal should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Now he felt betrayed from everyone around him. He felt alone and had reached a breaking point. Agreed, his outburst was emotional, powerful, dramatic and even borderline aggressive. But the anger, sadness and disappointment Can had felt was justified. And even Sanem could not deny it. It was real, and it was passionate...because Can was a passionate man. It was the climax of his emotional intensity. His anger was somewhat disturbing because he had never treated her that way before, but we certainly stood up and took notice. It was a wake-up call, just in case over the last few weeks you started to forget the severity of Sanem's actions... And Sanem definitely needed to wake up. Everything Can told her was exactly what Sanem needed to hear. And deep down, she knew it herself. In one of her earlier soliloquies at the time they had first got together, she had said,

"I fell in love with a man
There is no other like him
His Voice, his courage, his openness, his hands, his eyes, no one else has these
When he's not there I do not have anyone
If he wants, let him fight me
If anyone offends me then let it be him"

When Can took her face in his hands the night he discovered the truth, he wanted her to see the pain in his eyes and that she had made a huge mistake if she had any doubt. I don't condone the way he spoke to her but I do understand the passion with which it came from...where Can was coming from. But Sanem was not afraid of him. She knew very well why he was angry and expected this outcome which is why she kept it hidden in the first place. She knew in her heart that what she had done was wrong. She knew in her heart that covering it up was wrong. And she knew in her heart what the consequences would be when he found out...and they would not be good. Had she not learned from the last time what betraying his trust would cost? Don't you recall...We were all yelling at our screens for her not to hand over her scent to Fabri...and we yelled again, for her to confess to Can what she had done... she had so many opportunities to do so. But she never built up the nerve, despite what her conscience told her to do...And because she didn't make that crucial apology, she should therefore expect no mercy. When Can found out, he felt that he didn't know her anymore. She had betrayed his trust...the trust that they worked so hard to rebuild after the last time. They were now a couple, and as partners they were supposed to make decisions together. So when she went ahead and made this big decision about something that now concerned the both of them without consulting him, he lost his trust in her. And what's a relationship without trust? He felt that if he lost trust in her, he wouldn't be able to trust her with anything else ever again. Even after Sanem tried so desperately to show him that she did it out of love and that he truly did love her during the weekend getaway at the couples retreat, sadly he still could not overcome this loss. A relationship with Can would not be the same as what she knew from the example her parents set for her. It would take so much more for him to forgive her...her love was just not enough.

What is ironic in all of this is that Can was drawn to the very qualities in Sanem that he now is questioning. Remember when Can was interviewed by the sports magazine and was asked what type of woman would make him reconsider marriage. He told them "Her energy is more important than her appearance; lively full of spark, who hasn't lost the child-like qualities". Interesting how he chose the words "child-like" isn't it, as Sanem acts very much like a child especially her tendency to lie and cover up the truth which children tend to do when they are in an uncomfortable situation and want to stay out of trouble. This would certainly explain his tone when he was scolding her about her wrongdoing.

But what's interesting is that this may also help us understand Can's own weaknesses. Perhaps Can wants a woman with child-like qualities to bring out the child in him..a little boy who felt he missed out on his childhood when his mother walked out on him. A boy that felt betrayed by a mother and learned from her to run away when the going went tough rather than face his troubles. A boy who was raised by a single father who because of his guilt, strived to create a "perfect" world for him to help him deal with the loss and pain of growing up without a mother. By doing so he only allows people in his life that will nourish this idealistic world. Once someone breaks these ideals, he feels he no longer needs them and discards them from his life like garbage. This warped sense of reality further makes the people in his life to walk on egg shells around him and act superficially for fear of being discarded from his life. This is why people feel they need to lie and keep secrets from him so they can still have him be a part of their lives.

Undoubtedly, there is no one like Can. But if he continues to fall back on his tendencies to run away when the going gets tough he is essentially running away from himself and will never be able to overcome and accept his own faults. And unfortunately, he will always encounter the same problems and fall into the same trap over and over again. If he actually leaves rather than stay and fight for this epic love, this story will indeed become a tragedy.

The only thing that he doesn't count on is the power and the strength of their Love, and that without Sanem his heart will never heal. It's just a matter of time that he will come to realize this, when he starts to feel her absence. Sanem tried to show him that their love was strong and everlasting during their time together at the couples retreat. One moment in particular was when Can and Sanem slow danced during dinner. They closed their eyes and were transported to a cosmic universe. The stars remind us of the story of Orion, the tragic hero from that story. After Orion's tragic death, Artemis placed him in the heavens, a place where love is everlasting. And just as Artemis wanted to show her everlasting love for Orion, Sanem tried to show hers to Can...that their love was also everlasting and true and that he just needed to allow their love to shine bright and to have a little faith that it would eventually guide them back home to each other, once again.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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