Episode 48 Your Sanem: Part 2

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The Sea Goddess and the Fisherman

Our love birds' predicament reminds us of a story Can told Sanem earlier on in their relationship...the tragic story of the amber necklace which has sadly come true for them. Perhaps now, more than ever, Sanem needs to give the necklace back to Can to help him regain his memories of her.

If you will recall, Can had received the necklace from an old woman in his travels as a gift for saving her husband's life. The old woman told him that it would bring him good luck in reuniting with his love, wherever she was in the world. He then passed it on to Sanem as a gift when they had broken up, secretly implying his wish for her to reunite with him. Now it is Can who desperately needs the hidden powers of the Amber to help him reunite with his Love. According to the legend, a sea goddess that lived under the Baltic Sea in a beautiful amber castle fell deeply in love with a handsome young fisherman. Since love with a mortal was forbidden they ran away and hid so they could be together. Sadly the God of Lightening found out and became so furious he locked the sea goddess in the amber castle and cast the fisherman far out into the sea to the other side of the world. From that day on, the sea goddess shed amber tears so that the waves would wash them ashore and so that her lover could find her.

In our love story, Sanem is the sea goddess, and Can is the mortal fisherman. When Can and Sanem reconciled, they didn't want to waste any more time to live their love. But disapproval from Sanem's parents and Sanem's own apprehension held them back. The car accident was an unfortunate act of God, perhaps from the God of Lightening, that caused Can's amnesia which metaphorically sent him to the other side of the world while locking Sanem in her "amber castle". It is important to note that amber is considered nature's time capsule...an organic gem which contains remnants of life on earth millions of years ago. Sanem is living in this time capsule, a two-year time capsule to be exact, that Can cannot reach because he has been cast away to the other side of his consciousness. Can now needs to find those pieces of amber, (his memories of Sanem) that are scattered somewhere deep in his mind which are trying to come ashore. But with Sanem's help, and maybe a little bit of good luck from the amber necklace, bit by bit those memories will all start coming back which will lead him right back to where he has always belonged...with his Love, Sanem.

Let's hope it happens soon.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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