Episode 25 I am happy with you: Becoming Soulmates

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Your soulmate is the one and only person that connects to you on a deeper level...someone who enters your life specifically to enrich it and encourage your development. You experience a love so deep, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone before. And it is someone you could never live without. When Sanem took Can to the old abandoned house that day and showed him the poetic love letter she wrote long ago as a young girl, she essentially was telling him that he was her destiny...her soulmate.

That special key she found amongst her childhood memories in her keepsake box suddenly brought back memories of her when she was just a young girl, probably still a teen, writing romantic stories and day dreaming about finding her one true love. The key belonged to a box hidden in an old abandoned house she had come across and had visited many times to escape...dusty and forgotten, only providing shelter for some birds left behind from their flock, which she grew to love.  And inside the locked box was a very special love letter that perhaps the birds had given her inspiration to write about her one true love...her albatross... who at the time was only a figment of her imagination, but would become "as real as herself" (as Can had once told her).  When she handed him the letter and told him that she had written it from a long time ago before they had even met, she was full of emotion because her destiny was being fulfilled in Can. And he knew that this was not just any letter. It would be a letter affirming their destiny, that he had already known for a very long time.

"If I have a lover one day, hand in hand we'll fly wingless over the clouds,
If I have a lover one day, we will hold the reins of our galloping horses, and we'll touch the stars,
If I have a lover one day, we'll land on the wing of an albatross and love each other purposefully
This is for my beloved albatross with whom I'll read it one day"

And once he read it, knowing that he is her Albatross, he leans over and tells her in her ear...so that she understands this means so much to him...that they should never leave each other. The last time he leaned over to tell her something in her ear, if you will recall, it was when he told her that he had fallen in love with her. Now he has come to the realization that this love means just so much more. 🥰

The letter describes them as flying in love...two souls so in love that their hearts are continually soaring. This concept is different than falling in love, which doesn't take any real effort.  Flying takes work...Just like relationships. Flying in love means to stay aloft and experience the magic of achieving their dreams together. Even more so, to take all that love and channel it for a shared purpose or a mission (like their dream of opening an animal shelter one day). Only by continually trying to spread their wings that they can reach new heights. Finally, they would land on the wing of an albatross, a beautiful feathered giant which feels love so intensely that even though it spends an insurmountable amount of time in the sky, mates for life and remains faithful to their partner.

Essentially all of this describes unconditional love...a state, in which we are able to overlook flaws and forgive one's past. A state in which our two love birds have grown and developed and now have also reached...and it is so beautiful. Now, with any obstacles that try to separate them, they can face them...together.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

Love Birds (Erkenci Kus) - Not just your average love story ❤️Canem Forever ❤️Where stories live. Discover now