Episode 32: A New Future

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We often describe Can Divit as a perfect Greek god, resembling Zeus, King of the gods, or Poseidon, god of the seas...powerful and worldly, a living work of art with his long hair, manly beard, gorgeous features and tall, strong muscular physique. And for a story that incorporates many great themes from Greek Mythology, how perfectly fitting that he portray the main character in this epic tale since he possesses these god-like qualities that we so admire. But contrary to what you may think, gods are no more perfect than humans in that they also have weaknesses. And the weaknesses of our god Can Divit has certainly come to light once he realized that things were no longer in his control and his perfect world wasn't so perfect after all. Can is merciless when someone double-crosses him and just like the gods do, punishes them. By going to the Balkans with Polen, Can was punishing Sanem for the pain she had caused him. But what he doesn't realize is that by punishing her he is actually punishing himself.

Little did he know that Sanem was not going to take this lying down.  After his decision to leave, he quickly realized that Sanem was not going to wait around for him as she quickly started making significant changes in her life that didn't involve him whatsoever. His ego is now bruised and the presence of a new man, Yigit is not helping matters. In fact he is making things a lot worse for him. So much worse that he feels he's losing Sanem to him and is afraid that he will be replaced...in more ways than one. Besides feeling jealous, this makes Can very nervous. He tries to convince her, to no avail, that Yigit shouldn't be trusted. He is so desperate to keep her away from him that he tries to keep her busy. He even invents work for her and keeps her close to him with the guise that she needs to double check all the work with him before she leaves her job at the agency. He even goes as far as making up a fake sports campaign to keep her away from Yigit...and strangely enough it's about balls..a campaign about balls..."for a friend"...and that she needs to work on his balls during every free moment she has...and no one else should know about it...to be kept confidential just between her and him...about balls! 😏 And all that perhaps to convey to her just how much he still desires her, especially after the sensual dance they shared from the other night.
It's so obvious how conflicted he is with himself. He's determined to stick to his principles but his heart is not allowing him to do so, more than ever. Although he is desperately trying to appear strong and in control in front of her, he is actually weak and so lost that without realizing it he allows others to manipulate him...specifically, Huma and Polen who are scheming to get Sanem out of his life right under his nose to make way for Polen. And if Can doesn't stop these chain of events from spiralling out of control, he will lose Sanem and everything that he had ever wanted.

Can wants to appear he has everything under control but really, he doesn't know what he wants at this point...which leaves room for hope. When Sanem confronted Can, while they were locked in the cold storage and asked him whether he could ever get over her giving away her scent, he couldn't respond to her. Sanem quickly took this as a "no" but if you think about it, it wasn't a "yes" either. Can doesn't want to admit that he might have been too quick to judge her. Pride is his problem, the kind of pride that keeps him from being honest with both himself and Sanem because he doesn't want to admit defeat. He doesn't want her to see that he is weak or incapable of standing his ground. But it's his vulnerability that is exactly the thing that could help him rebuild his connection with Sanem...and it starts by being honest.  And when he does, he will realize that it doesn't make him less of a man, or a god for that matter, to admit that maybe, just maybe he was wrong. Ironically, it's when he acknowledges his weakness by admitting he was wrong that he will show his strongest side. And only then can he stop punishing himself and get back to loving his Sanem the way he really wants to💘

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