Episode 45 Messages in a Bottle

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Healing Sanem

Do you wonder what was written on those messages in the bottles that Sanem wrote and then tossed into the sea? It was all about Sanem letting go of her pain, like the amber tears that the sea goddess shed into the ocean in the legend of the Amber that Can had once shared with her.

Sanem was a strong person. She had been through a tremendous amount of heartache with Can in the past and yet was tough enough to overcome her fears. She could take his rejection...she could take the guilt, the jealousy...she could take his animosity and resentment towards her...she could even take his anger and aggression. She could take just about anything but there was one thing she could not...and that was him deserting and forgetting her. It was her greatest fear. When Can left her, it was more than she could handle. In one shape or another, she needed him in her life, physically, emotionally, spiritually. He was her "whole world". She loved him more than she loved herself....and now he was gone and she wasn't ready to face a life where he wasn't going to be a part of. She didn't want to face this reality. Her sadness was more than she could bear. Her family tried to console her but her uncontrollable emotions were beyond their capabilities. She needed help from professionals and therefore was temporarily hospitalized and treated for the mental stress and anxiety that she brought upon herself. Even though she eventually became well enough to live on her own, she still needed a prescribed sedative to ease the emotional anguish and prevent a potential blow up.
She hated the heartache and emotional pain. She hated being deserted and losing her one true love. She hated that she couldn't move on. But she knew she couldn't push these feelings away and try to avoid them, because they could potentially explode out more fiercely than before. She took a pill every night to alleviate the constant heartache and the struggle; but she also couldn't keep her feelings bottled up inside of herself. That's why instead, every night she wrote down her feelings on a piece of paper, put them in the pill bottle and tossed it into the sea as a way of metaphorically releasing her feelings. The sea (or Deniz in Turkish) was her confidant in which she would reveal her secrets to...and this ritual was her remedy to coping with her pain and eventually healing herself. Even after Can returned, she continued to follow this ritual as her pain and anguish had in no way been diminished. Perhaps the pain intensified even more after learning that he didn't come back for her. Nevertheless she needed to get out those negative feelings that she was harbouring inside of her... feelings of hate, anger, jealousy, regret, loss and sadness that caused her great pain. Ridding herself of these feelings would help her move on and allow herself to become the happy dreamer she so desperately wanted to get back to being, and in the process, heal her heart. As time progressed, she and Can eventually began to make amends, and soon after confessed to each other on that special night, that they were hiding a special keepsake of their Love, which revealed that they never stopped loving one other and didn't want to ever let go....that their love had not died, that it was very much alive and real and that Can did in fact come back for her. She could no longer deny her feelings for him. That night was the first night that Sanem didn't need to take a pill ever again. Her pain had subsided so there was no longer a need for pills... and no longer a need for bottling up those feelings...she was happy and ready to open up her heart for Love and especially for Can. At last, her Captain was back and the search was over. They had finally found each other again.

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