Episode 18 #BackToSquareOne: Making up in the Grocery Store

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Can's ulterior motives for asking Sanem to come back to work - The make up scene without the making out

After watching it a couple times, it dawned on me...the grocery store scene was surprisingly the long awaited forgiveness and reconciliation scene! And for a series that's rated for a general audience, I'd say there was a lot of hidden sexual innuendos that you might have missed. We'll get to those a bit later.

But first, the grocery store scene was Can's way of showing Sanem that he had forgiven her, without actually telling her in words. And for someone who doesn't know how to forgive, it should mean a lot. Can knows he's still in love with her by realizing his own jealousy after Fabri planned the surprise birthday party for Sanem. But before being able to accept her back he needed to first come to terms with forgiving her. Although we all understand Sanem's predicament, remember Can does not. He only knows what Sanem told him...that she was "one big lie". He still needed to see that Sanem was in fact not a liar and that she was being used as a pawn for other people's evil gains. When he overhears CeyCey's phone conversation he started putting two and two together. And when he finally saw Emre and Aylin's partnership agreement he realized that his anger was pointed at the wrong direction. After Sanem gave him her resignation letter, Can realized that she was serious about not wanting to see him again and now he feels the possibility of losing her and not having her in his life. He also finally sees how much anguish Sanem is suffering when he witnesses her weeping by the rocks and realizing how tormented she is...it hurts him to know that he's the reason for her pain.

Now because Can doesn't know how to forgive, he doesn't say it in words. But he can tell her in a way that he does know how...through his actions. All this takes place at the grocery store, where if you're paying close attention, a lot more is going on than Can asking Sanem to come back to work, or them selling produce to customers...wink wink, nudge nudge. This scene is the make up scene without the actual making out...For instance, the first customer would like a sausage and some eggs...(do I really need to explain this??) Can takes charge and immediately goes to serve him...another customer asked for rice...(do we not throw this at the bride and groom after they are married to symbolize prosperity and fertility). Can fills up the bag and tells the customer to have enough to serve the whole town...When another customer asks for cheese we see the superstition of the 'passing of the knife' and how it's supposed to be done in order to avert quarrels from happening which Can said they should have done a lot sooner... the same customer wants olives, universal symbol for peace and harmony...What about the dance they do as Sanem reaches for the toilet paper and Can comes from behind to help her take it from the shelf...Another customer requests honey (which some say have a symbolic meaning for love and fertility). Can and Sanem fight over who is going to pour it (but do you see the intensity in Can's eyes as he looks at Sanem while holding the ladle). And let's not forget Sanem wiping all the honey from Can's hands...there's a reason why it was honey people and let's not even mention why Can needs the whole pack of wipes when she's done!! Both of them looked quite satisfied by the end of the scene. It was so funny and cute...baya baya! So if you didn't quite understand what was really going on...you definitely need to watch that scene again and tell me what you think...😂😂😂

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