Episode 16 Analysis: It's Over (or was it ever?)

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Where there is Love, there is Hope, even if it's hidden in a cardboard box.

Can and Sanem's first breakup would hit them both hard but thankfully, always hidden behind their bruised feelings, was hope for reconciliation.

Sanem really wanted to be truthful with Can about her deception towards him even from their first night together, but she just didn't have the strength nor the courage. Instead, she would tell him the tragic story from Greek mythology about Artemis and Orion, a story with deep meaning and importance, in an attempt to gain his understanding and perhaps even mercy before finding out what she had done. If you'll recall that story was about the great huntress Artemis who was tricked into shooting an arrow that would kill her great love, Orion...Artemis of course, representing her and Orion representing Can. Sadly sharing the story didn't make it any less painful for either of them when the truth did finally come out.
In fact, when it did come out, all hell broke loose which would trigger us to think of another famous story from Greek mythology...one which was never referred to per se, but whose theme would definitely resemble Sanem's predicament. And that theme became relevant as soon as that mysterious cardboard box appeared. The box was delivered to the agency from Ceycey's strange land and it's mystery would cause quite a commotion amongst the staff, (and not to mention for us audience members as well). But when the box was finally opened it would reveal its hidden meaning and it's purpose.... it's the story of "Pandora's Box".

If you're not familiar with the myth, basically Pandora was a curse on mankind as punishment from Zeus, after the Titan Prometheus stole fire from the heavens and gave it to humans. When Prometheus did this, Zeus took vengeance by presenting the first human woman "Pandora" to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Pandora (from the Greek meaning 'All gifted') was beautiful and curious. According to the myth, in the house of Epimetheus there was a jar, also a gift from Zeus—and because of her insatiable curiosity, Pandora lifted the lid on it. Out from the jar flew all the evils of humanity...Strife, death, sickness, toil and many other evils escaped from the jar to afflict men and women forever more. Pandora managed to keep one spirit in the jar as she shut the lid, a timid spirit named Elpis, translated as "Hope."

In the Erkenci Kus story, the box that was brought from ZueZue (aka Zeus) was introduced to suggest that it held all the troubles that our brothers Can and Emre would soon face...which would explain why the box was so heavy for the mortals like Sanem, but light for both the mythical-like characters ZueZue and CeyCey. Just as Prometheus caused trouble for Epimetheus, so did Emre cause trouble for Can. Sanem, whose name appropriately means a beautiful woman that is idolized, represents Pandora. Sanem's naivety and trusting character allowed her to be easily manipulated and caused her to unintentionally release all the troubles soon to face Can. But although the lovers suffered a great setback, we shouldn't be afraid...it would only prove to be a test of their Love. As we find out later, some Hope indeed was left inside the box in the form of candies, romance novels, crepes, even a classic violin...tools to romance the heart, CeyCey's heart that is, who has poetically represented Can and Sanem's Heart all throughout this story. And this box...this simple cardboard box... would be a reason to give us Hope that despite all the trials and tribulations that our two beautiful lovebirds would endure, their Love would not only survive but prove to be a Great Love...one that would live on forever.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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