Episode 5, Scene: Can's First Move, Can's POV

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It was obvious Fabri liked Sanem from the first moment he had laid eyes on her at the party that evening. And it was also obvious, that from this same moment, Can did not like all the attention Fabri was giving her one bit. In fact his resentment towards him would become more and more obvious as the evening progressed. It was the first sign that Can had it real bad for Sanem.

When Fabri gathered the Fikri Harika team, including Can and Sanem, to congratulate them all on becoming their new primary advertising partner, he also took the opportunity to compliment Sanem on the perfume he had noticed her wearing, and asked her about it. When this happened, Can felt as if he had been violated and his animosity towards Fabri would grow even more intense. It was a topic that Can felt was so personal between him and Sanem that Fabri had no business discussing it with her, let alone in front of everyone. Sanem innocently opened up about her perfume and shared how she had created it herself, at which point Can became very nervous. After all, this was his secret obsession they were talking about.
"That Fabri! What a bastard!" Can thought to himself. Just when he was getting closer to Sanem, Fabri had to come along and ruin his night. How dare he mention her scent...that was his scent...and he wanted to be the one to talk to her about it...to tell her that it was beautiful...to tell her that it was the reason he couldn't stop thinking about her ever since their secret kiss that he would replay in his mind a thousand times. He owned that scent...and that moment. But Fabri beat him to it...he stole his chance. And Can could see right through him...he knew what he was trying to do, and he was doing it right before his eyes.  Can could feel his blood pressure rising...the air was becoming too thick to breathe...he couldn't stand it any longer. He had to get out of there before he said something he would regret. He needed a drink...a strong one, and fast. He excused himself from the group, visibly annoyed, and then escaped to the bar. "Whiskey, straight up", he told the bartender. He didn't even care how it looked despite having just won a huge deal with Fabri's cosmetic company. He hated him for trying to steal away Sanem.

As the drink started to take affect it calmed his nerves a bit. He was surprised at how angry and jealous he became. He had never felt like this before. He was starting to realize...just how much he wanted her. He turned around to gaze at her again. Sanem calmed him...she was becoming his addiction. And oh, how he wished he could dance with her. She looked ravishing that night, especially in that designer gown he chose for her to wear. It had been the perfect opportunity for him to subtly tell her how he felt about her. And if the style didn't reveal his feelings, then certainly the colour would have. He secretly hoped that she had dressed up so good just for him. The dress was beautiful to start, but with her in it, she had transformed into a stunning blooming rose. It suited her so well...she made that dress more beautiful than he could have ever imagined...she was his imaginary princess, adorned in his favourite colour. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He tried but everything else paled in comparison to her. He felt so powerless...he didn't have the courage to approach her...to tell her how he really felt about her. Besides, all she thought of him was that he was just her boss. And, God, he didn't want her to think he was that type of boss that took advantage of his subordinates... because he wasn't that type at all. But he couldn't stop himself from admiring her. And yet even though she said she was engaged, in some ways he felt that she had the same feelings towards him...he was always catching her gazing at him, longingly, waiting for him to approach her or to say something to her... or was that just his wishful thinking.  And tonight was no different.  He longed to just tell her, once and for all, that he was her Albatross...that he was the man that she had been looking for all along...

But all he could do for now was to watch her from a distance...and watch it unfold as Fabri, his new rival, approached her...flirted with her...complimented her on her perfume. But just then, as he noticed Sanem turning away to leave, Fabri grabbed her arm to pull her back. Can immediately sensed something was wrong...he could tell that she was not pleased with Fabri's forwardness and was crossing a line. Could she be receiving some uninvited attention from him? At that moment Can couldn't wait a second longer at the thought of her possibly feeling threatened...His pride could no longer hold back his protective instinct, and his fierce jealousy... If anyone was going to whisk her away, it was definitely going to be  him! He beelined towards them...all while his heart was racing...he swooped in, then motioned for her to come with him while slipping her hand into his, and took her away to rescue her, as if she had been prey to a dangerous predator. And surprisingly, Can didn't care how it looked. He didn't care who was watching. He just wanted them to escape and be alone together. It was as if someone else had overtaken his body and did the one thing he had been too reserved to do.  He swiftly led her away from the party towards the exit holding her sweet hand and not letting it go. He was excited, his adrenaline was controlling his pace. He didn't even notice that all eyes were on them or that he was going so fast that she could hardly keep up with him. Here he was taking the girl that he had been dreaming of, for God knows how long, and he was going to take her away to a place where they could finally be alone, with no interruptions... a place where no one else knew about or could find them ...a place where they could talk in private and really get to know one another... and a place where maybe he could steal another kiss... He would take her to his mountain cabin. He loved that place. It was his secret hideout...his very own place that he built himself. It was his hideaway, a special place he went to so that he could be alone for peace and solitude from the rest of the world and to reflect...a special place that he had never wanted to share with anyone else...until now. And now, he was not only ready to share the cabin with this most special girl...but he was also ready to share his heart...but she just didn't know it yet.

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

Canem Forever ❤️❤️

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