The portal

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"it will keep you warm till we find some shelter" I exampled seeing he had stopped shivering completely.

"Danielle!! You might want to see this."

Danielle pov

"wha.." left speechless seeing what looked like a locked mettle door it reminded me of the old DEO headquarters.

Hearing beeping turning to see the device flashing crazy "what the hell is this place?" "let's find out."

grunting softy both me and john mothing the door quickly allowing Steve to rush in quickly allowing us two fallowings to have the door slamming shut behind us

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grunting softy both me and john mothing the door quickly allowing Steve to rush in quickly allowing us two fallowings to have the door slamming shut behind us.

"be on guard we have no idea who can be here" john observed making the two of us let agreements feeling my powers flow threw me to my hand feeling my mother's sword in the other mother's shield.

"be on guard we have no idea who can be here" john observed making the two of us let agreements feeling my powers flow threw me to my hand feeling my mother's sword in the other mother's shield

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"watch out!!" pulling Steve behind my shield as shots fired in front us john was quickly raced taking out the guards.

Feeling relief seeing them wearing the same clothes the people at the bank. "guessing where in the right place than" steve mumbled, tightening the grip of his gun.

The three of us separated. It wasn't until my ear pease crackling to life only to hear grunts and punching being thrown "you okay?" "Yeah, nothing I cant take" steven let out a hissed making me shake my head with a chuckle.

Taking out as many the guards that came my way I knew we didn't have the element of surprise as more, more guards came my way.

3rd person

with guardian busy with the heat of the attack, john called Alex for back up as whenever he took one down another would attack back.

"Supergirl is on her way, I've got a team fallowing"

With the relive of help come their way the team pushed harder, Guardian let outburst golden fire around her trying not killing them in the making.

Using her sword and shield she was able to block close attackers stopping buttles left and rights as heavy harm guards begin attacking.

Guardian pov

groaning as I was slammed into the brick wall losing my sword and shield in the making. Grunted in annoyances as I moved to see the guy smirking making me grit my teeth as I superspeed landing a strong punch knocking him out cold.

"were all clear here"

"We are not clear here! We are very not clear!!!"

Steve's voice came out in pain, clearly running out of breath and hurt "I'm coming your way. Supergirl location" "I'm five minutes away, the backup team 15." Picking up my sword and shield as she explained I could hear the wind behind in the comms as I super speed finding steve only to see him surround with john by his side shifting in and out of each person.

Disarming my sword and shield making the disappear, using my golden lasso taking down as many as I could and disarming them of there weapons, blocking bullet after bullets as they ricksha off me as they bounced off my bracelets.


Nodding my head as I could hear footsteps behind, as more HYDRA agent with guns pointed at our direction; making me step in front shielding steve and john for any attack "this way!!" turning to see john holding up a huge door open quickly sending fire there way quickly taking hold of steven superspeed him beside the door.

"what the....."

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