change part 6

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Guardian pov

"supergirl let her go! it's me you want!!!" I yelled landing threw the broken window making glass crunch under my boots I almost gasped seeing the body of dead security guards laying lifeless on the ground with heat vision marks across there bodyes some didn't look recognisable I almost gagged by the smell of blood coating the floor like a river.

Hearing sound of whimpering making me rush to the sound behind the president dest seeing it split into two. Seeing the female president covered in blood her once white shirt in now coated in red.


"Olivia. Stay with me, okay I'm going to help you!!" I assured, trembled my hand were shaking the same with my own heartfelt; I noticed she was covering her side was darker red making me gasp; kara didn't use any of her powers she didn't need to she wanted her to suffer; something Olivia didn't deserve.

she wanted it to be slow so she could watch as she kills everyone in this building without her to be able to do anything.

grasping hold the dagger the same dagger I gave to her father in the war, she cried out when it moved blood continued to coat more of the already bloody shirt but also my hands making tears fall but I still had time to save her.

"okay just hold on I'm going to heal you" I whispered, but I didn't get a chance as the dying woman smacked my hand making me retreat it in shock seeing her weakly shack her head.

"No" her voice came out weaker but she continued to look me in the eyes seeing them still hold so many much "you need to go after her. It's too late for me...please... it's okay...go! the world needs her hero..... just like you were to me......" Olivia trembled, relief shown in her eyes making me cry harder as her heartbeat slowing down.

" do..dont leave ple...please..." I whimpered, feeling her hand go weak making me trying to hold on one last time.

I didn't even realise till flashers and the sound of thunder made me glance to see the darkness of the sky and thunder and lighting with powerful wind and rain blowing everything around; remind me of the day I lost everything of my new life.

The weather is connected to my emotions showing first hand on what I'm feeling, kara is going to pay for this sister or not she will not killing more of the people I love.

3rd person

thunder and lightning flashed across the sky; thunder so stronger the earth would shack two heroes; the first hero walked with her sword and shield by her side, her hands and armour were still coated with blood even when the rained clashed nothing would wash the redness making it seem it was too much to clear.

The fallen hero who people once called supergirl stood proudly triumph smirk was on her face as she watched her sister looking so weak to even fight all the hero want to do was show the world she was more powerful and NOTHING can stand in her way after she defeats the goddess.


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